
原標題:這段CGTN報道躥紅網絡 講了啥?視頻來了→




‘Desperate times ask desperate measure’: 

Chinese news anchor’s monologue on coronavirus goes viral


Though China’s strict quarantine measures had never been tried on such an enormous scale in the modern world, it is after two months that the country’s measure appeared vindicated after China reported its first day with no domestic transmissions of the disease。


A video of a CGTV news anchor talking about the tough steps taken by China to combat the spread of the coronavirus outbreak has struck a chord with millions as it went viral on various social media platforms。


CGTN news anchor Zou Yue, in the video, claimed that China is one step closer to ending the battle against the novel coronavirus after implementing strict quarantine measures。

He starts by explaining that the virus doesn’t respect national borders, cultural values and political views。


“Facing the pandemic, it is not what happened matters, it is how we respond。” He adds。


Yue then goes on to say that though China’s strict quarantine measures had never been tried on such an enormous scale in the modern world, but after two months the country’s stand has been vindicated after recording its first day with no domestic transmissions of the disease。

“For almost a month it infected thousands in Wuhan in a day, and every hospital bed was occupied, now empty beds and closed wards in the city”, he said。


Calling out to countries all over Europe and America, Yue further said, “China imposed the largest and most draconian quarantine in history。 Factories shut, public transport stopped and people stayed indoors。 By doing that, it flattened the curve; on one hand, China avoided many millions of cases and tens of thousands of deaths。 On the other, it stretched out the time and makes the hospitals re-staffed and less strained。”


Explaining to the viewers that “desperate times ask desperate measure”, the anchor urged people all over the world to not put politics ahead of public health and encouraged all to move ahead with humility。


The video released on March 19 is significant as it marked the first time that China has recorded zero new domestic cases of COVID-19 since the country implemented strict and sweeping quarantine measures to contain the spread of the virus。



印度電影明星 Lakshmi Manchu:這是我所聽過的最理智和真實的評論!一定要看到底。學學當中的邏輯並給予支持。我們在談論的是共同抗擊疫情。這纔是一個國家可以戰勝疫情的辦法。讓我們學習中國的經驗,擊敗可惡的病魔!

網友Tariq Hameed Alvi:如何戰勝疫情?或許唯一的辦法是採取中國的措施!

網友Ikram Ullah:這是關於如何抗擊新冠病毒的非常棒的解釋片,那些批評中國限制進出武漢和湖北的人必須看看這個視頻。

網友Umar Afridi:中國在疫情控制方面觀念和做的工作都很好,結果也很好,爲中國感到驕傲。

網友Tan Pamela:現在疫情已經蔓延到馬來西亞了,情況比較嚴重。確實,各個層面上我們都需要合作,才能夠有效抗擊疫情。我們知道這會比較難,但是我們還有什麼選擇?生命掌握在我們自己手中,我們需要憑藉“決心”來抗擊疫情。

網友Bernardita De Guia Canlas:我希望領導人們能夠看這個視頻,調整他們的措施。

網友Beth Milanes:說得很好,解釋得很好。讓我們都付出努力(爲人類集體作出個人犧牲)。

網友Vuai Hassan:中國採取的措施非常好。。。讓我們向中國學習。
