






Gery Pollak

China is the new world super power in the 21st century (at least I strongly believe that) and thus it makes a lot of sense to understand the culture and how business is done in China. Irrespective of what career path a person in our generation is following, that person will have touch points with China, Chinese businesses or Chinese people at some point during the career.


Romain Confavreux

I chose DDIM program because it gives me the opportunity to study in two of the best universities in Asia and Europe. The quality of the courses was a major factor in my choice. This program also gives me the chance to understand better Chinese business environment and to experience the life in two international cities that are Shanghai and Milan.



Christoph Fritschi

There are three main reasons why I choose the GMiM: personal development, career progress, and adventure. I wanted to grow personally. I believe that we as a person can progress best in new environments, under changing conditions, and when we leave our comfort zone. Given that I had never been in China nor in Asia, the GMiM provided the perfect setup for personal growth. China is a major economic power and still gains further importance. Every business will be exposed in certain ways to China, already in the near future. Understanding and experiencing the Chinese ways of doing business and living, seemed therefore an amazing opportunity to prepare myself for the future business environment. Lastly, I wanted to go on an adventure. Frankly speaking, by the time I get retired, I will have worked at least for 40 years. I do not expect to remember and distinguish exactly all of those 40 years. However, this year in Shanghai at Fudan University will definitely be unforgettable.



Massimiliano Sgroi

I choose DDIM primarily because of my lack of knowledge of the Asian part of the world. I decide to come here to challenge myself and to discover a new well-known country such as China. From this FDSM I mainly expect to increase my knowledge about the economic scenarios of China getting closer to the Chinese economic world from an academic point of view.


Olympe Gonet

I choose the GMiM because I wanted to experience the Chinese culture, not only through an exchange, but through a double degree. It was also a way to get closer to my Chinese classmate and other international classmates. I knew Fudan for its academic reputation and excellence, and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to experience both the excellence of asian education and the practical content of London Business School.



Flavia Cozza

I considered the DDIM program an unmissable opportunity both from the individual and the professional point of view. From a personal perspective, this program represented the possibility to challenge my adaptation skills facing a culture that is substantially different from mine and to learn about the customs and traditions of one of the most important country for the global fashion business, where I aspire to work in the future.




Gery Pollak

Overall I have to say that even though I had a lot of knowledge about the subjects in general, I learned a great deal by looking at the subjects from a Chinese view point. For example I had very good of knowledge about macroeconomics already before, but the electives Chinese Economy and Multinational Financial Management taught me a great deal about how macroeconomics and politics work in China, what I have never heard before.


Romain Confavreux

After a couple of months, we finally adapted to the environment and fully focus on the studies. Half of our professors are Chinese, the other half are Italians and fly to Shanghai for one or two intense weeks of lessons. Professor Picaretta taught us Quantitative Methods. It was the first time that I learned statistics and I enjoyed her practical teaching style.



Christoph Fritschi

Overall, I liked the study experience at FDSM. My studies were mainly characterized through cultural experiences in terms of field trips, conversations and group assignments. Further, I had some very interesting courses which gave me insights into the Chinese economy, history as well as business and legal system. The latter was taught by Mr. Chen Li. Specifically, he taught the class Business Law and Ethics. He structured the class into two main parts. Firstly, we had an hour discussion of a current business case from the media that is related to the course content. Secondly, he presented further content while guiding a big class conversation, motivating everyone to participate. He had a very deep knowledge of and love for the content, enabling him to connect all our contributions to a big picture. I definitely learned the most in his class.



Massimiliano Sgroi

One of the courses that I really appreciated a lot was the course of the course of “Corporate Strategy”. It was an interactive course in which we had to study and develop different kind of interesting business cases. There was not so much theory but instead, we put much effort on doing presentation and working together.


Olympe Gonet

I absolutely loved: Chinese economy! Maybe more fitted for international student than Chinese local but definitely enriching. It is not only about the economic system in china but also the political system and about how the government functions. It really enabled me to understand china’s political position in the world and why it is so unique. I believe this class is one of the essentials to later conduct business in China, to me it was the most relevant at explaining the Chinese mindset and way of thinking with interesting links made to the business world.



Flavia Cozza

Studying at Fudan University means interactive learning schedule, team works and intensive lectures. Make exams in only ten days is really challenging. I particularly enjoyed the Advanced Marketing course. First of all, we had plenty of time to deeply understand the topics explained during lessons. Moreover, the professor was always available for clarifications and for help.





Gery Pollak

I believe to truly understand a business environment, it is necessary to work within that environment for a few months. But of course I was able to deepen my understanding through the guest speakers, CDO events and cases during lectures.



Romain Confavreux

Fudan organizes regular events with top executives of various firms and it is always interesting to hear their insights on their respective industries. Moreover, Shanghai offers more conferences that one can possibly attend. I enjoy going to keynote speeches on innovation and particularly on the startup ecosystem which is booming in China.


Christoph Fritschi

I have indeed deepened my understanding of doing business in and with China. In fact, it is my biggest learning. For instance, I am aware that it is very important to have personal contact to your business partner. Moreover, business is conducted faster than in Western countries resulting in more growth opportunities, but also in a different company setup and mentality. Furthermore, I understand also the client side better.



Massimiliano Sgroi

Every kind of course that we attended last semester was focused on China. I learned a lot about Chinese firms from different point of view. It was interesting to understand the differences between the Chinese market and the Chinese firms respect to the Western ones.



Olympe Gonet

Key points to remember when on a business dinner/meeting: trust me that very common in this country.

Ganbei: you’re better down your glass: otherwise it’s very impolite

Whatever the oldest/senior person expect, please execute if you want to keep these people in your life.

Try to put two words of Chinese to show you appreciate their culture, it is very highly seen. Throwing a ganbei out loud will treat you with the respect from the entire table.

Start negotiation once both parties are drunks, that’s the way to make business in China. One advice through is to aim to be less drunk than the other party so you are actually making a better deal

And please, be patient! Business in china is a long-term relationship!



Flavia Cozza

I understood that the Chinese business environment is really dynamic, and it requires proactive people, for this reason, I am trying to upgrade my skills in this direction. Moreover, I discovered that both Chinese and International enterprises located in China search for Chinese proficiency speakers, as a consequence, I recommend FUDAN University to provide its students with the opportunity to undertake the HSK exam.




Gery Pollak

First of all, it was a really great experience I will never forget, will have life-long friendships that developed here, and will tell my children and grandchildren about that adventure. Maybe at some point in the future I might once work in China (you’ll never know). However, right now I will start working in Europe and hope to have exposure to China from time to time through business partners. But even if I do not have some China relations through my job in the future, I am looking forward to travelling to China from time to time and think about the good old times as a student here.



Romain Confavreux

I definitely plan to come back to China in the future. The country has such a long history and a unique culture that one year is not enough to start to understand it. Moreover, China is changing the world and I believe it is a great place to be for motivated ambitious people.


Christoph Fritschi

The expectations of my studies in China were met. I enjoyed Shanghai and I will definitely miss it a lot. Being said, I see myself in the near future in Europe. For my personal career expectations, it makes just more sense to start in Europe. However, I am convinced that I will come back to China due to business reasons in the medium or long-term. Of course, until then, I will return exploring the country during my holidays.


Massimiliano Sgroi

This program gives us an enormous opportunity: work during the summer in China. Indeed, this should be not only an opportunity to understand the work environment in China in a closer way, but also a way to develop new soft skills in order to understand if in future we want to come back and start our job career here.



Olympe Gonet

Might consider working in China in the future but definitely not to start my career. The opportunities are limited for a non-Chinese speaker and I feel it is time to go closer from home. But I see myself maybe in 5 years coming back as a manager of an international corporate for a few years in China.


Flavia Cozza

Studying at Fudan University is really a pleasure to me. Currently I live in Yangpu and I feel really comfortable. At the same time, I am excited to do a summer internship in the center of Shanghai. I totally consider the possibility to work in China because I like the environment and the positive Chinese feeling.
