












  Billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft founder Bill Gates had his hands full on-stage in Beijing on Tuesday, showing a jar of human faeces.


  The stunt was part of his speech at the Reinvented Toilet Expo event - a showcase for new toilet technologies.


  The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spent more than \$200m on researching the field across the last seven years.


  Twenty cutting-edge sanitation products were on display, intended to destroy harmful bacteria and prevent disease.


  "I have to say, a decade ago I never imagined that I’d know so much about poop," Mr Gates joked at the conference. "And I definitely never thought that Melinda would have to tell me to stop talking about toilets and faecal sludge at the dinner table."

  “我不得不說,十年前,我從沒想過我會對大便有這麼多的瞭解,”蓋茨在會上開玩笑說。 “我更沒想到梅琳達需要告訴我不要在餐桌上談論廁所和糞便。”

  The entrepreneur was helping to launch the three-day event in China - where leader Xi Jinping has made a so-called "toilet revolution" across the country a policy priority.


  The showcased products aim to revolutionise sanitation technology by operating off-grid to separate liquid and solid waste and remove harmful by-products.


  "It’s no longer a question of if we can reinvent the toilet and other sanitation systems," he said. "It’s a question of how quickly this new category of off-grid solutions will scale."

  “這不再是我們是否可以重新改造廁所和其他衛生系統的問題,”他說。 “這是關於這一新的離網解決方案將如何迅速擴展的問題。”

  The entrepreneur described the inventions on display as the "most significant advances in sanitation in nearly 200 years".




  Why the world deserves a better toilet

  I’m about to travel halfway around the world to look at a toilet.

  Sanitation is one of the most important issues we work on. I even drank water made from human feces a couple years ago.

  That’s why I’m so excited to visit Beijing, China this week for the Reinvented Toilet Expo, where some of the most high-tech toilets in the world will be on display.

  The toilets I’ll see in Beijing aren’t just fascinating gadgets – they have the potential to save millions of lives. More than half of the world’s population uses unsafe sanitation facilities. Even in places where people have access to toilets or pit latrines, their waste isn’t disposed of safely. The pathogens from the waste finds their way into the local water supply and makes people sick.

  The diseases caused by contaminated water kill more than 500,000 children under five every year. Those who survive are often too sick to go to school. It’s no exaggeration to say that poor sanitation holds back whole communities and entire nations.

  If you live in alevel 3 or 4 country, you can thank your sewer system for keeping you safe. Sewers have historically been the best way to make sure waste isn’t releasing harmful pathogens into the environment.

  But what if you didn’t need a sewer to keep people safe? What if your toilet could dispose of waste all on its own?

  In 2011, we launched the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge. Many of the solutions created for that challenge are now ready to license. A remarkable cohort of engineers, scientists, companies, and universities around the world has done the hard work of getting a safe, off-grid sanitation market ready for take-off. My hope is that this week’s showcase moves their hard work one step closer to being used by real people around the world.

  Each of these toilets seeks to solve the same problem, but they’ve all taken a different approach to get there. (The video above explains what specifically makes each toilet special.) Several run on solar power, so they can operate off-grid.

  Others generate their own power, like the Cranfield nanomembrane toilet. Opening or closing its lid moves a screw that separates liquids from solids. A gasifier converts the solids into ash and heat that is used to operate the toilet.

  A big theme for next-gen toilets is the ability to turn waste into something useful. The Ecosan extracts clean water, which is safe to use for hand-washing. The water created by Duke University’s neighborhood treatment system can be used to flush toilets or supplement fertilizer. The University of South Florida’s New Generator even collects methane gas for cooking or heating.

  Another common feature involves burning waste to get rid of it (I apologize if you’re eating right now, but there’s no delicate way to describe this). The Janicki Firelight dries out urine and feces, turning them into sterile ash and water.

  As you might have guessed, these toilets are a lot more complicated than your average toilet. Just look at the maintenance panel used to operate a public restroom:

  The user experience for each is more or less the same as any other toilet, though. Most of the magic happens behind the scenes.

  I know most people wouldn’t describe what toilets do as magical, but I think it’s true in this case. Think about it: the toilet hasn’t really changed in more than a century. If you could go back in time to the mid-1800s, you’d find flush toilets that work basically the same as the toilet in your home. And if you live somewhere with pit latrines, toilet design has stayed the same for even longer.

  The toilets I’ll see in Beijing might one day replace a piece of technology that’s been with us for ages – and they could save millions of lives in the process. That’s not just an amazing feat of engineering. It’s a modern miracle.








  我們的基金會已經投入了大量資金開發下一代的環境衛生解決方案。2011年,我們發起了“廁所創新大賽”(Reinvent the ToiletChallenge)。許多參賽作品如今已準備好可以投入使用了。一羣來自世界各地的傑出工程師、科學家、公司和大學做出了艱苦的努力,一個安全、離網型衛生設施的市場已初步形成。我希望這周的展覽讓他們的努力成果向前更進一步,使得世界各地的人們能真正用上這些廁所。




  另一個相同的特點是把糞便燃燒殆盡(如果你正在喫東西,那麼我向你道歉,但描述這個實在沒有巧妙的方式)。Janicki Firelight將屎尿脫水,將其變成無菌的灰和水。






  WIRED專訪比爾蓋茨:這6件事,徹底改變了我的一生(附視頻) 比爾·蓋茨2018年夏季推薦書單:什麼是天才,人類從哪裏來?(附視頻) 比爾蓋茨推薦的極簡經濟學:30分鐘看懂世界經濟機器是如何運轉的(附雙語視頻) 窮小子逆襲成哈佛學霸,還拒絕10億美金合作,連比爾蓋茨都說:我嫉妒他(附視頻&演講稿) 比爾蓋茨合夥人,富可敵國的他,如今因爲癌症逝世!他的一生是一個傳奇...(附視頻&對話稿) 公司連續虧損20年,他靠什麼擊敗比爾●蓋茨成爲世界新首富?(附視頻&演講稿)





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