結束 像一道閃電


This is your house,forever!!

帶着滿身榮耀,16 年職業生涯,3 次獲得總冠軍,1 次總決賽 MVP,8 次入選最佳陣容(2 次一陣),3 次入選最佳防守陣容(二陣),13 次入選全明星,並在 2010 年拿到了全明星賽的 MVP。

This is your house,forever!!


This is your house,forever!!

The crowd, in full throat all night long, rose to its feet, chanting and cheering like they were never going to again. Sixteen years. Three championships. One last dance.


chant 美 /t ʃæ nt/ vt. 唱;誦揚; vi. 唱歌

And it all happened in a flash.


This is your house,forever!!

"My thoughts are all over the place," Wade said in his on-court interview moments after the final buzzer sounded. "As I sit here, I think about the moment my agent came to the table in New York in 2003 and told me the Heat were about to pick me at [ No. ] 5."

" 我思緒萬千," 韋德在終場的蜂鳴器響起後接受採訪時說," 當我坐在這裏的時候,我會想起 2003 年在紐約我的經紀人來找我的那一刻,他告訴我熱火會在第五順位選擇我。

香蕉兄弟 再聚江湖

This is your house,forever!!



This is your house,forever!!

Banana Boat crew forms again for Dwyane Wade ’ s finale.


LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul were in attendance at the Barclays Center to give their friend and Banana Boat teammate a personal send-off.

勒布朗 - 詹姆斯,卡梅隆 - 安東尼和克里斯 - 保羅都出現在巴克萊中心爲他們的摯友,香蕉船兄弟送行。

in attendance 出席;值班;負責

This is your house,forever!!

"Listen, we couldn ’ t miss D-Wade ’ s last game. This is the last time he ’ s going to be on an NBA floor wearing that Miami Heat uniform, that No. 3, so we ’ re happy to be here to support."

" 聽着,我們不能錯過德韋德的最後一場比賽。這是他最後一次穿着邁阿密熱火球衣出現在 NBA 賽場上,披着 3 號球衣,所以我們很開心能在這裏給他支持。"


This is your house,forever!!



This is your house,forever!!



This is your house,forever!!

Given how their friend played during his swan song, they were not disappointed. Wade posted a triple-double to finish his career on the best of notes.


Disappointed [ d ɪ s əˈ p ɔɪ nt ɪ d ] adj. 失望的

This is your house,forever!!

This game was really all about Wade from the start officially went into tribute mode.


And man did Wade ever rise to the occasion, finishing with 30 points, many of which were deposited in the pure showman form with which D-Wade has become synonymous.

而且,韋德也確實做到了,砍下 30 分結束比賽,其中許多得分都是用純粹表演的形式拿下的,而韋德也完全進入表演模式。

rise to the occasion 應付自如,隨機應變

deposit [ d ɪˈ p ɒ z ɪ t ] v. 放置 ; 把…委託他人保存

Synonymous [ s ɪˈ n ɒ n ɪ m ə s ] adj. 同義的


This is your house,forever!!

Even while wearing all three of his championship rings, Dwyane Wade refused to put himself in the conversation as one of the best shooting guards of all-time.


"False. False," Wade insists when asked if it ’ s true he ’ s the second-best two-guard ever.

" 不是的,不是的," 韋德在被問到他是否是第二好的得分後衛時堅持道。

This is your house,forever!!

"It ’ s Jordan, then Kobe, then whoever else you want to put. But those are the top two."

" 第一肯定是喬丹,然後是科比,之後你想說誰說誰,但他們是頭兩名 "



This is your house,forever!!

管理人員: Enba 素材:Enba 翻譯: Jerome 校對: Wayne 編輯:Wayne

Enjoy the Process


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