原标题:[深度]大麻合法化背后真正的原因 为什么你在为邪恶陪葬?!

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【乐尚她乡chicvancouver 风四海撰写】大麻合法化后,不仅加拿大本国民众抗议声起,国际社会也给予否定和反对。中国、韩国、日本、美国等政府均已对各自公民发出警告,美国还增发了边境警告,联合国也对加拿大联邦政府提出批评。同时,加拿大国内每天都有相关的不尽如人意的事件发生,比如高速上麻驾飙车、某男青年吸食大麻产生幻觉后砸毁公寓门并袭击女住户、公园里开始弥漫出大麻气味,等等。



引自魁省国会议员Gérard Deltell于2017年11月9日C-45国会辩论。在C-45法案的8、9中,对young person拥有或运输5克以上的大麻制品有惩罚,则表明5克以下是许可。

而法案对于“young person”的定义为:means (a) for the purposes of sections 8, 9 and 12, an individual who is 12 years of age or older but under 18 years of age; and (b) for the purposes of any other provision of this Act, an individual who is under 18 years of age. (jeune)




正如阿省议员Arnold Viersen在2017年11月9日的关于C-45提案的国会辩论上所指出的:


如果还坚持认为C-45是为了青少年的健康成长提出的,那真是有些too young too simple。



随着时间的推移,随着人们被逐渐洗脑后对大麻放松警惕,说不定有一天大麻可以作为home made的农产品在farmer market上销售呢。那时加拿大距离晚清也就不远了。



2017年11月9日的国会辩论中,Arnold Viersen一针见血地指出,“大麻合法化这个提案的唯一意义就是为了征收相关的税款”。不合法就必须打压,只有合法的产业才能征税。这个道理浅显易懂。
















原文:《The Real Reason Behind the Legalization of Marijuana》

After the legalization of marijuana, not only the people of Canada were provoked, but also the international community gave some negative responses. Governments such as China, South Korea, Japan and the United States have issued warnings to their citizens, meanwhile, the United States has issued additional border warnings and the United Nations has criticized the Canadian federal government. At the same time, daily incidents occur throughout Canada, such as furious driving after smoking marijuana, smashing apartment doors and assaulting female residents after a young man was hallucinating, you can catch the smell of marijuana in parks and elsewhere.

This troublesome situation is getting worse, many people who did not care about the marijuana laws at first had to pay attention to c-45. A closer look at the bill makes it even more scary. The bill, under the slogan of protecting teenagers, allows "12-year-olds to carry five grams of marijuana", which can be used to make 15 marijuana rolls.

(Editor's note: taken from the debate in parliament on the c-45 bill by Quebec Congressman Gerard Deltell on November 9, 2017 and Harold Albrecht the next day. In act 8, 9 of c-45, there is a penalty for young person owning or transporting more than 5 grams of marijuana, indicating that less than 5 grams of marijuana is permitted. And the act defines "young person" as means(a) for the purposes of sections 8, 9 and 12, an individual who is 12 years of age or older but under 18 years of age; and (b) for the purposes of any other provision of this Act, an individual who is under 18 years of age. (jejune))

Families are allowed to grow 4 marijuana plants, while most of the teenagers are still living at home —— a one-meter-tall pot plant can produce 600 grams of marijuana. " The government has kept children from obtaining marijuana by planting it in their homes. Is that a joke? "(Editor's note: By Michael Cooper, member of parliament of Afghanistan, and Harold Albrecht, member of parliament of Ontario, on November 9, 2017.)

If it's not outright solicitation or seduction, then what is it?!

Before legalization, various restrictions, regulations and crackdowns on marijuana had effectively curbed the trend of marijuana addiction among teenagers. As provincial lawmaker Arnold Viersen noted during a congressional debate on the c-45 proposal on November 9, 2017: "marijuana use among 15 to 25-year-olds has declined from 34% to 24% over the past decade. This shows that the current method of prohibiting the use of marijuana by teenagers is effective, and we can continue to popularize and strengthen it. Why should we turn to legalizing marijuana? Would it be good to tell teens that marijuana use is legal and to ban it at the same time?

It would be naive to insist that c-45 is proposed for the healthy growth of teenagers.

Another "positive" effect of marijuana legalization -- the so-called “medical health effect of marijuana’ -- is a total myth. Since marijuana contains more than 80 chemical compounds, the FDA has made it clear that, so far, it has not confirmed its safety or efficacy in medical treatment. Research is ongoing, but only for two or three components, there is still a long way to go before clinical use can be achieved.

As far as the government has been concerned, the c-45 will help crack down the black market. Well, that's probably because it's all legal, so there's no “black market”。 Before legalization, the crackdown on the black market for marijuana wasn't because of private sales, but because it was a drug. After legalization, some marijuana vendors may not have or would not be willing to apply for legal sales permits, but they can still trade privately. The nature of the trade is not the same as in the past when marijuana was defined as a drug. As time goes on, as people are gradually brainwashed and become completely off guard on marijuana, it might one day be sold in the farmer market as a home-made product. Thus, Canada would be walking down the same path with the late Qing dynasty.

Why should the Liberal Party go ahead and legalize marijuana despite of all doubts and criticizing voices?

The answer is already clear. In an economic society, this reason is rather expected.

Arnold Viersen went straight to the heart of the matter during a congressional debate on November 9, 2017, when he pointed out that "the only meaning of the marijuana legalization proposal is to collect the relevant taxes. "Illegality must be suppressed, and only legitimate industries can be taxed. This is not hard to understand.

The Liberal Party came to power promising fiscal balance in 2019-2020, compared with a government deficit of $19 billion in 2017-2018 announced on October 19. What explains the huge hole that lies ahead in next year's general election?

What's more, as senator Viersen said in an example, the investment the Liberal Party made in AIIB (public commitment at: the federal government investment in five years to 256 million, but after manipulation may be increased to 480 million), the support for Bombardier (air aircraft manufacturing company based in Quebec) left a hole to make up for, even in the end of 2017, the skating rink built in front of the Capitol Hill was in urgent need of money. (The ice rink, built for Canada's 150th anniversary National Day at a cost of $5.6 million, has been removed to other regions.) As for the Trudeau government's other misdeeds and extravagant spending, there is a lot of evidence in the former news reports.

The government gets its money from taxes. After racking up all the known taxes, a new tax area is needed, preferably an uncut piece of "fat". However, is the marijuana industry qualified to be the “fatty meat”?

According to the statistics of Canada's National Bureau of Statistics, Canada's cannabis consumption industry chain is huge, and its output value is high. The National Bureau of Statistics’ report on January 25, 2018 shows:

“In 2017, 4.9 million marijuana users aged 15 to 64 invested in cannabis at a cost of $5.7 billion. 90% of household marijuana spending was for non-medical purposes. In 2016, the household alcohol expenditure was $22.3 billion, and the tobacco expenditure was $16 billion.”

"Of Canada's cannabis consumption, $5.4 billion of cannabis products are purchased from Canada, and a value of $300 million is smuggled from abroad, while the value of cannabis products exported abroad is $1.2 billion. Marijuana smuggling accounted for 40% of consumption in the 1960s and has fallen to 8% in 2017. The proportion of Canadian cannabis products trafficked abroad has risen from 2% in 1961 to 20% in 2017.”

"In 2014, the value of the Canadian cannabis industry (after deducting cost) was $3.4 billion; Output in 2017 was worth $3 billion, the main reason for the decline was the price drop of marijuana in the market (editor’s note: marijuana market prices peaked in 1989 and have fallen an average of 1.7% annually since.) By comparison, the value of Canadian tobacco plants in 2014 was $1 billion and the value of distilleries was $2.9 billion. Unlike cannabis, Canada's indigenous tobacco and alcohol production is far from meeting its needs and is heavily dependent on imports.”

"The majority of these cannabis products are non-medical. In 2017, marijuana non-medical production was valued at $4.6 billion, only less than $4 million worth of cannabis products were produced for medical use."

It is impossible that there is no political hand behind such a huge, illegal output, trying to prompt the Legalization of Marijuana. Probably even more than one.

In addition to the pursuit of profit, votes are another lure for both governments and individuals. According to the statistics of Canada's national bureau on April 18, 2018: 4.2 million Canadians (14% of the population) whose ages are over 15 years old admit to using marijuana, 40% of them use it daily, 17% use it weekly and 14% use it monthly. The total number of people who voted in the 2015 federal election was 17.54 million.

These astonishing statistics and facts are not fresh news, nor are they secrets. Yet people who are busy with their own lives care little about "significant national affairs", including the author himself. It was only when the matter is right in front of you that the situation become critical. fortunately, it's not too late.

If you still don't care, then it's like the bus disaster in Chongqing a few days ago, when a passenger abused and beat up the driver, other passengers were indifferent, as a result, the driver's steering wheel was turned off, and the bus ended its journey in the river. The silent majority dug their own graves with silence.

Right now, marijuana laws have brought Canada to the dangerous brink. If we, the passengers, remain silent and do nothing, we will shoulder the consequences.

To use Shi Guopeng's words as the ending for this article, you do not stand up for the good, then you must be buried with the evil!

For "the heart of man is torn between good and evil, and there is no spectator who can stand in between. If there is a third party in a conflict, it is impossible for that third party to stay out of it. His attitude plays a crucial role in the development of the situation, and even decides his future and the future of the others. There is no neutrality in the face of great good and great evil.”



















来源:她乡华闻 chicvancouver



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