


What’s going on people, welcome to today’s session of Ten Minute Speaking, and I’m Lije.

Today’s question is about the topic of cooperation. Some people think that competition is very important, while others think that cooperation precedes competition. So what is your opinion on it? Is cooperation more important than competition?



问题:Is cooperation more important than competition?

Yes, from both the historical patterns and the natural phenomena, I think it’s pretty easy to identify that cooperation is far more important than competition. If you just look at a wolf pack for example, while a single wolf is very dangerous, a pack of wolves is the true deadly force. Imagine if wolves fight against each other for food instead of working together, they would not be as nearly as threatening because they’d be tearing each other apart before they even get close to a prey. And the same phenomenon can be observed on humans, throughout our history, while we did have wars that left millions or even billions of people murdered, it was through teamwork and cooperation did human civilizations grow and advance. Through cooperation, we built cities, formed governments, discovered scientific laws, and made brilliant inventions that changed the world. I think without cooperation, we’d be extinct thousands of years ago, and that’s why cooperation is so crucial to our survival.


historical pattern 历史规律

wolf pack 狼群

tearing each other apart 互相把对方撕碎

get close to a prey 靠近猎物

human civilization 人类文明

scientific laws科学定律

made brilliant inventions创造发明

crucial to our survival对人类生存至关重要

So that’s about everything for today’s session of Ten Minute Speaking. Today we discussed the importance of cooperation versus competition. Make sure you always


