

What you can't give up is no longer the person you like, but the one who silently gave. When you marvel at your efforts, the person you fall in love with is only yourself now. In the end, in this one-man show, the only person you touch is you.


Some people, if they catch it, they will catch it, if they miss it, they will miss it. There are too many forks in the journey of life, and one turn may be a lifetime. At the previous intersection we are familiar with each other, and at the next intersection we may be unfamiliar.


Sometimes I feel like a neuropathy, both tangling myself and disturbing others. Sometimes, I accidentally know something, and then I find that what I care about is so ridiculous. People say that they only know how to cherish it after losing it. The later loss is more painful than anything.


The pain is sober, and everything in life depends on yourself. The compassion of others can't beat the bright future.

