一句話瑜伽,第352期Carla:你感覺如何?(而不是“你好嗎?”或者“怎麼樣?”)HOW DO YOU FEEL? (And not "how are you?"Or "How was it?")

最後一次有人這樣問你是什麼時候?或者說,你最後一次這樣問自己是什麼時候?When is the last time someone asked you this question? Even more when is the last time YOU asked yourself this question?

如果你想連接你的身體,你需要連接起你的情感。這不是表面功夫,你需要去感受。If you want to connect with your body, you need to connect to your emotions. But not superficially. You need to FEEL.

面對“你好嗎?”這個平常不過的問題,我們都很會給出事先準備好的答案——“我很好,謝謝,你呢?”以及“挺好,謝謝!”We're very good at having pre made answers to the usual question -"How are you ?"-"Good thank you and you ?" -"Fine thank you !"

從面對和陌生人社交的角度來看,上面的回答挺好的,但是在這種平常的交流中,難道你不想多一點交流嗎?which is fine when it is with strangers cause it's part of our social duties.But beyond those usual conversations.don't you want to communicate?

我想通過更積極地傾聽,學會更好地交流,表達出我對所愛的人們,在經歷任何事情後的無條件地支持,規避你的話可能存在的二次傷害。I am myself learning how to communicate better with loved ones by listening more actively,avoiding to overwrite what the other is saying, expressing my support into whatever they feel they are going through.

我相信,提高你與他人和你自己的溝通技巧,會是你瑜伽練習的重要一步,此舉能和自己建立起健康的連接。所以……你感覺如何?I believe working on your communication skills with others and yourself already is one great step into your yoga practice and establishing a healthy relation with yourself So……how do YOU feel ?
