一句話瑜伽,第351期Sandra:爲自己驕傲。不要隱藏真實的自己。BE PROUD OF YOURSELF,Don't keep secrets about who you are.

你有足夠的理由爲自己而驕傲。There are enough reasons to be proud of yourself.

向世界展示,展示你驕傲着做自己。Show it to the world. Show the world that you are proud of the person you have chosen to become.

向世界展示,你爲自己走到現在感到驕傲。Show the world that you are proud of how far you've already come.

向世界展示,你爲自己感到驕傲。Show the world that you are proud of yourself.

向世界展示,你是多麼的愛自己現在的樣子。Show the world how you love yourself for excately the way you are right now.

你將收穫更多的光芒,更多的愛。People will see you in the same light you see yourself, they will love you in the same way back like you love yourself.
