羅伯特·奧布萊恩(Robert O 'Brien)|攝影:埃文·武奇()/美聯社照片



2020年7月27日 21:05:13PM(北京時間)

美國國家安全顧問羅伯特·奧布萊恩(Robert O'Brien)新型冠狀病毒(Covid-19)檢測呈陽性

National security adviser Robert O'Brien tests positive for Covid-19

一名政府官員證實,美國總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的國家安全顧問羅伯特·奧布萊恩(Robert O 'Brien)被檢測出Covid-19呈陽性,成爲特朗普政府感染該病毒的最高級別官員。

Robert O’Brien, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, has tested positive for Covid-19, making him the highest profile Trump official to get the virus, an administration official confirmed.


It’s unclear how O’Brien was exposed to the coronavirus or how much in-person contact he’s had recently with Trump. Anyone who is near the president is tested regularly for the disease.
