透視是弗朗切斯一生深研的課題,他通過透視所達到的視錯覺效果 以在殿堂的牆壁上摹寫所見的世界,還原真實的歷史,圖繪傳說的故事。也許是所信之本體,甚或經時間長久的凝積與隔閡,那些顆粒斑斑的畫面人物總給觀者以超越現實的疏離感,有種明顯地高於當下之衆的東西。他的典雅(色彩)與嚴謹(造型)是可見的,不必多言,也許這就是給觀者真實卻又超越的原因。時代之所信必然會帶入時人所在的各處,藝術自然不會例外,因此畫面那種宗教莊嚴的儀式感仿若在會堂裏。卻又分明隱含着一種劇場感,像是在劇院裏,演給人看。

Madonna del Parto

Tempera on panel

203 x 260 cm





Madonna and Child with Saints

248 × 170 cm

Tempera on panel

Pinacoteca di Brera, Italy


Madonna and Child with Saints(detail)

Madonna and Child with Saints(detail)

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Portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino

Tempera on panel

47 × 66 cm

Urfield Museum, Italy


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Augustinian Nun, Augustinian Monk

Tempera on panel


Saint ApolloniaTempera on panel

38.8 × 28 cm

American National Gallery


Portrait of a WomanTempera on panel

31.4 x 25.4 cm

Portrait of a Boy Tempera on panel

41 x 27.5 cm

Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid


Sigismondo Pandolfo MalatestaOil and tempera on panel

44.5 × 34.5 cm

Paris, Musée du Louvre



皮耶羅對藝術一往情深,十分重視透視學,他對歐幾里得 深有研究,因而比任何一個幾何學家更懂得規則的物體的曲線,我們所有關於這些問題的最清楚的闡釋,都來自於他。


The Baptism of Christ Tempera on panel

168 × 116 cm

National Gallery, London


The Baptism of Christ (detail)

The Baptism of Christ (detail)

The Baptism of Christ (detail)

The Baptism of Christ (detail)

The Baptism of Christ (detail)

The Baptism of Christ (detail)

The Resurrection

Tempera on panel

225 x 200 cm

Museo Civico,Sansepolcro,Italy

~ 1459

The Resurrection(Detail)

The Resurrections (Detail)

The Resurrection(Detail)

The Resurrection(Detail)

The Resurrection(Detail)

The Resurrections (Detail)





General view of the Cappella

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo

General view of the Cappella

Exaltation of the Cross

Tempera on panel

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


Exaltation of the Cross(detail)

Exaltation of the Cross(detail)

Exaltation of the Cross(detail)

Exaltation of the Cross(detail)

Exaltation of the Cross(detail)

Exaltation of the Cross(detail)

Exaltation of the Cross(detail)

Exaltation of the Cross(detail)

Death of Adam

Tempera on panel

390 x 747 cm

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


Death of Adam(detail)

Death of Adam(detail)

Death of Adam(detail)

Death of Adam(detail)

Death of Adam(detail)

Death of Adam(detail)

Death of Adam(detail)

Death of Adam(detail)

Death of Adam(detail)

discovery and proof of the true cross

Tempera on panel

747 x 356 cm

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


discovery and proof of the true cross(detail)

discovery and proof of the true cross(detail)

discovery and proof of the true cross(detail)

discovery and proof of the true cross(detail)

discovery and proof of the true cross(detail)

discovery and proof of the true cross(detail)

discovery and proof of the true cross(detail)

Procession of the Queen of Sheba

And Meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon

Tempera on panel

336 × 747cm

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


Procession of the Queen of Sheba(detail)

Procession of the Queen of Sheba(detail)

Procession of the Queen of Sheba(detail)

Procession of the Queen of Sheba(detail)

Procession of the Queen of Sheba(detail)

Meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon(detail)

Meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon(detail)

Meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon(detail)

Meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon(detail)

Meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes

Tempera on panel

747 x 329 cm

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between heraclius and chosroes(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius

Tempera on panel

764 x 322 cm

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

battle between constantine and maxentius(detail)

Giovanni di Piamonte, The Prophet Isaiah

Tempera on panel

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


Giovanni di Piamonte, The Prophet Isaiah(detail)

The Prophet Jeremiah

Tempera on panel

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


The Prophet Jeremiah(detail)

The Prophet Jeremiah(detail)

Torture of the Jew

193 x 356cm

Tempera on panel

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


Torture of the Jew(detail

Torture of the Jew(detail)

Torture of the Jew(detail)

Torture of the Jew(detail)

burial of the wood

190 x 356 cm

Tempera on panel

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


burial of the wood(detail)

burial of the wood(detail)

burial of the wood(detail)


Tempera on panel

193 x 329 cm

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo






皮耶羅最精彩的他是的“夜”(《康斯坦丁大帝之夢》constantines dream),不論想象力還是藝術性。一個按透視法縮短的天使,頭朝下飛去,把勝利的預兆帶給康斯坦丁,後者正睡在一個大帳篷裏,一名內侍和幾名士兵在一旁守衛。在夜晚的黑暗中,他們依稀可辨,天使以自己的光照亮帳篷、士兵和周圍的一切。這幅畫是精心之作,因爲皮耶羅讓我們知道了在這樣的黑暗中,把事物如實地、依據真實的模特兒描繪是多麼的重要。他做得很成功,致使後人可以跟隨他而在我們的時代中獲得他藝術的那種無上的完美。


constantines dream

329x 190cm

Tempera on panel

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo


constantines dream(detail)

constantines dream(detail)

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Four Saints

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo

tempera on panel


Four Saints(detail)

head of an angel

tempera on panel

Maggiore in San Francesco,Arezzo





The Flagellation

Oil and tempera on panel

58.4 × 81.5 cm

Italy,Galleria Nazionale delle Marche Urbino

~1454 -1460

The Flagellation(detail)

The Flagellation(detail)

The Nativity

Tempera on panel

122.6 x 124.5 cm

The National Gallery, England


The Nativity(detail)

The Nativity(detail)

The Nativity(detail)

The Crucifixion

Tempera on panel


Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels

Tempera on panel

107.8 × 78.4 cm

Clark School of art, Massachusetts, USA


Madonna and Child with Saints

53.5 x 61 cm

Tempera on panel

Italy,the ducal palace of urbino and national gallery of brands


Polyptych of the Misericordia

Oil and tempera on panel

323 x 273 cm

Sansepolcro , Museo Civico


Polyptych of the Misericordia

(detail of the Madonna of Mercy)

Oil and tempera on panel

134 x 91 cm

Sansepolcro , Museo Civico


Polyptych of the Misericordia

(detail of the Madonna of Mercy)

Polyptych of the Misericordia

(detail of The Crucifixion)

Oil and tempera on panel

81 x 52 cm

Sansepolcro , Museo Civico


Polyptych of the Misericordia (detail of Saint Sebastian and Saint John the Baptist

Oil and tempera on panel

108 x 90 cm

Sansepolcro , Museo Civico


Polyptych of the Misericordia (detail of Saint Sebastian and Saint John the Baptist

Saint Sigismund and Sigismondo Malatesta

tempera on panel

257 x 345 cm

Rimini. San Francesco(Tempio Malatestiano)

Saint Sigismund and Sigismondo Malatesta (detail)

Penance of Saint Jerome

Tempera on panel

51 × 38 cm

Berlin, Gemaldegalerie Dahlem


Sant Jerome and a donor

Tempera on panel

40 x 42 cm

Venice, Gallerie dell' Accademia

saint Julian

Tempera on panel

105 x 130 cm


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Saint Michael,SaintJohn the Evangelist,Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

oil and tempera on panel

133 × 59 cm x 3

The National Gallery, England



皮耶羅·德拉·弗朗切斯卡(Piero della Francesca,約1415/1420-1492)來自托斯卡納省,後來成爲早期文藝復興最著名的藝術家之一。弗朗切斯卡早年受到優良教育,生前享有盛譽,許多富商都到他那裏訂畫,然而死後被人遺忘,直到20世紀才被人重新發現。他寫了大量關於數學和透視法的文章,晚年寫有論文《論繪畫透視》和《論正確的形體》兩篇。精準的線性透視法是其作品的主要特色,他在藝術實踐中把完善的透視、嚴謹的形體比例與細膩和諧的色彩合而爲一。他的許多作品都是花大量時間完成,背景刻畫十分細緻,光線清晰,空間距離感得到適當強調,構圖勻稱,他的風格對15世紀中葉的佛羅倫薩以及北意大利諸城有革命性的影響,推動了北部和中部意大利畫派的發展。




