Air Travel with Child 帶孩子坐飛機

I. Getting Ready 作準備

1. We are going on an international flight. Let me get your passportready. 我們要坐國際航班啦。我來把你的護照準備好。

2. First, we need to pick up our boarding passesand check-inour luggage. Do you know where our airline counteris? Look for our flight numberon the departure information screen and it will show us which counters to go to. 首先,我們需要取登機牌托運行李。你知道咱們航班櫃檯在哪兒麼?在大屏幕上找到咱們的航班號,那裏會顯示咱們應該去哪個櫃檯。

3. When we get to the counter, just tell the airlinestaffour names and give them our passports. They will print our boarding passes and help us check-in our luggage. 到了櫃檯,直接告訴航空公司的工作人員我們的姓名並出示護照。他們會幫我們打印登機牌和托運行李。

II. At the Counter (Speaking to Staff) 在櫃檯(與工作人員交談)

4. I’d like to check in our luggage please. 請幫我們托運行李。

5. Can we have the aisleseat or bulkhead seats(the first row of seats of a particular section of the plane)? 我們想要挨着過道或者隔板前面的座位(某個區域最前排的座位)。

6. We will have layovers. Could you print our boarding passes for all the flights? 我們需要經停。您能幫我們把所有航班的登機牌都打印出來嗎?

7. I have requestedabassinet[,bæsi'net] / carrycotfor my baby when I booked our seats. I’d like to confirm my reservationagain. 我在訂票的時候給我的寶寶申請了一個睡籃。我想再確認一下預定上沒有。

III. Going through Customs 過海關

8. We need to go through Customsto travel abroad. Let’s get our passports ready for the officersto check and stamp. 咱們出國旅行需要過海關。我們把護照準備好,工作人員檢查並蓋章

9. We need to take a picture now. Let me take off your hat. Please look at the cameraand don’t look away. Good boy / girl! 現在我們需要拍照。我把你的帽子摘掉。看着攝像頭,別看別處。乖!

IV. Going through Security Screening 通過安檢

10. Let’s take our passports, boarding passes and carry-on luggageand head to security screening. 咱們拿好護照、登機牌和手提行李,去安檢

11. Let’s line up and wait for our turn. The security staff will check our boarding passes to our IDs. Then we need to place our belongingsand carry-on luggage in binsand have them scanned by the X-ray machine. 咱們排隊等一會兒。工作人員會對照我們的身份證件檢查登機牌。然後我們需要把隨身物品和手提行李放到裏,通過X光設備掃描。

12. We need to put liquidsand electronic devicesin separate and individualbins. 我們需要把液體電子產品和其他物品分開,放到單獨的筐裏。

13. The good news is, we can take milk and baby food on boardin our carry-on luggage. But there is a chance thatthe security staff might ask us to taste it. 好消息是,我們可以奶和嬰兒食品放到手提行李裏帶上飛機。但是過安檢的時候,工作人員可能會要求我們試喫一下。

V. Finding the Boarding Gate 找登機口

14. Let’s head to our boarding gate. Check our boarding passes for the terminaland the gate number. Follow the signs and we will be directed to the area. 咱們去找登機口吧。看看登機牌上的航站樓和登機口信息。跟着指示走,它會引導我們找到地方的。

15. Remember to pay close attention to the flight announcements. We might be asked to board early because we are traveling with a baby. 留意收聽航班廣播。咱們帶着寶寶坐飛機,可能有機會優先登機。

VI. Boarding the Plane 登機

16. Let’s get our boarding passes and passports ready. The flight attendantsat the boarding gate will check them before they let us board the plane. 咱們把登機牌和護照準備好。登機之前,入口旁的乘務員會再次檢查。

17. Are you excited? We are finally on the plane. 你興奮嗎?終於坐飛機啦。

18. Let’s find our rownumber and seat... Here we are! Daddy will put our carry-on luggage in the overhead compartments. Let me stow[stəu] my handbag under the seat in front of us. 找找咱們坐哪、哪個座位…… 在這兒!爸爸會把我們的手提行李放到頭頂的行李架上。 我把我的手包在前排座位下面。

VI. Settling Down 坐好

For babies below two years old (varies among airlines) 兩歲以下寶寶(不同航空公司有不同規定)

19. Let me ask a flight attendant for a seat belt extension. You will share my seat and sit on my lapduring the flight. Let’s put on the seat belt and wait for the plane to take off. 我去找乘務員要一個加長安全帶。咱們一起坐,你坐我腿上。咱們繫好安全帶等待飛機起飛

For babies over two years old (varies among airlines) 兩歲以上寶寶(不同航空公司有不同規定)

20. Let me getyou settledin your seat, buckle up and fasten your seat belt. Don’t screamor move around. 我幫你找到座位坐好繫緊安全帶。別、別亂動

VII. During the Flight 飛行中

If your baby is a toddler… 如果你的寶寶是幼兒……

21. The plane is climbing up. Try to swallowor yawnso that your ears won’t feel uncomfortable. 飛機正在爬升。試着做吞嚥或者打哈欠的動作,這樣你就不會感覺耳朵不舒服了。

22. We are high up above the clouds now. The flight attendant will offerdrinks and snacks soon. Just tell her what you want and she will serveit to you. 我們現在在高空雲層中了。一會兒乘務員會提供飲料和零食。告訴她你想要什麼,她就會給你過來。

23. There are bathrooms on both sides of the aisle. Feel free to tell mommy if you need to use the bathroom, and I’ll go with you.


24. You can occupy yourselfby watching cartoons or playing video games. Or you can try to nap. The tripwill be over very soon. 你可以看看動畫片或者玩遊戲來消磨時間。或者試着睡一覺旅程很快就會結束的。

If your baby is an infant... 如果你的寶寶是嬰兒......

25. Let me ask a flight attendant for a bassinet / carrycot. You can rest / sleep in it. 我找乘務員要一個睡籃。你可以在裏面睡覺。

26. You are not sleepy? Why don't we go for a walk up and down the aisleso that we can look aroundthe plane? 你不困嗎?媽媽帶你在過道里來回走走好嗎,在飛機上四處看看

27. You look cranky. Are you hungry? Do you want some milk? Let mommy feed you. 你看起來有點兒不耐煩了。餓了嗎?你想喫奶嗎?媽媽餵你吧。

28. What’s that smell? Oh no, you pooped! Let me take you to the lavatoryand change your diaper. 什麼味兒?啊,你拉臭臭了!我帶你去洗手間換紙尿褲。

29. Look out the window. We areflying high in the sky! 看看窗外,我們在高高的天上飛呢!

VIII. Landing 降落

30. The plane will be landingin half an hour and the washrooms will be closed soon. You’d better use it now if you need to. 還有半個小時飛機就要降落了,洗手間馬上就要關閉了。如果你要去廁所最好現在就去。

31. The plane is descending. Remain seatedwith your seat belt fastened. Don’t move around. 飛機正在下降坐好,繫緊安全帶。別動來動去。

32. We are back on the ground. Don’t unbuckle your seat beltuntil the plane comes to a complete stop. 我們又回到地面上啦。飛機完全停穩之前別解開安全帶

33. Daddy will take our luggage out of the overhead compartment. Let’s wait in line to get off the plane. Be patientand don’t push. 爸爸會把我們的行李從行李架上取下來。咱們排隊下飛機耐心點兒,別往前擠。

IX. Claiming Luggage 取行李

34. We are now taking a shuttle bus to the arrival terminal. 現在咱們坐擺渡車出站航站樓

35. Before we can leave, we have to claim our checked-in luggage. 出站之前,咱們需要取回託運的行李

36. The luggage of our flight will be distributed atNo. 8 luggage carousel[,kærə'sel]. 咱們的行李待會兒會8號行李提取轉盤出來

37. Look at what’s on the carousel? Those are our suitcases. 你看傳送帶上是什麼?是咱們的箱子

38. Daddy will take them off the carousel. Meanwhile, let’s find a cartto put them on. 爸爸會把它們拿下來的。咱們現在去找個行李車來推它們。

39. We are ready. ___ City, here we come! 咱們現在可以出站了。___城,我們來啦
