摘要:and he is also the deputy of the Center Of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF). His research focuses on thin films, semiconducting nanomaterials, surface science and modification, and ions/materials interactions. He received the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Best Paper Award in 2002, the Friedrich Wilhem Bessel Research Award of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, in 2003, and the Outstanding Research Award of CityU in 2015. Prof. Zhang is also the Visiting Professor in Siegen University, Germany, Cuiying Guest Professor (萃英講席教授) in Lanzhou University, Guest Professors in National Chiao Tung University, Soochow University, Hefei University of Technology, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (CAS), and Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (CAS). Till now he has published over 340 peer-reviewed journal papers.。The outstanding properties of diamond make it an excellent material for various device applications. Recently, diamond-based electrochemical and biomedical sensors have attracted increasing research interests. It is known that the potential applications of materials depend not only on their intrinsic properties, but also on the surface geometries in which they appear. The extreme properties of diamond, however, make it difficult to be structured to a desired geometry. This presentation will review the recent progresses in growth and nano-/micro-structuring techniques of diamond, in particular a simple and applicable method developed by us to nanostructure diamond (ranging from microcrystalline to nanocrystalline) surfaces using bias-assisted reactive ion etching (RIE) in hydrogen/argon plasmas. Various diamond nanocone/nanopillar/ nanowhisker (nanowire) arrays with high uniformity and tunable density have been achieved by using this method. The effects of initial film structure, surface roughness and RIE conditions on the size, density and geometry of nanostructures are revealed. Surface nanostructuring of diamond films is demonstrated to be an effective approach to extend and/or enhance the properties of diamond with respect to its bulk and film counterparts. Example applications of the diamond nanostructures in field electron emission, electrode, and in situ probing and drug delivery at cell level are also discussed.。



報告題目:Nanoparticles of Fluorescent and Photovoltaic Moleculesfor Biomedical Applications

報告人Chun-Sing LEE (李振聲)講席教授






Prof Chun-Sing Lee obtained his BSc and PhD degrees from the University of Hong Kong in 1987 and 1991 respectively. He then furthered his research career in the University of Birmingham of UK with the support from a Croucher Foundation Fellowship. He joined the faculty of the City University of Hong Kong in 1994 and is currently a Chair Professor of Materials Chemistry and the Head of the Chemistry Department. He also co-founded the Center Of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF) in 1998 and is now the Center’s Director. Prof Lee’s current research interests include organic electronics devices and nanomaterials for energy, environmental and biomedical applications. In 2016, he established the journal Materials Today Energy with Elsevier and serves as the Editor-in-Chief.


Semiconducting molecules often have interesting optical properties suitable for biomedical applications. However, they typically have poor water solubilities and are thus often overlooked. In this talk, a summary will be given on how the solubility issue can be addressed by packaging the hydrophobic molecules into nanoparticles. In particular, a newly developed approach of using ice as a template for controlling self-assembly of molecules into nanoparticles will be introduced. Examples will then be given on applications of these nanoparticles for imaging, photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photothermal therapy (PTT).


報告題目Diamond Film Surface Nanostructures: Morphology Control, Formation Mechanism, and Applications

報告人張文軍 講席教授






Wenjun Zhang obtained his Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1994 from Lanzhou University. He was a postdoc at the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (1995 to 1997) and at the City University of Hong Kong (1997 to 1998). From 1998 to 2000, he worked as a Science and Technology Agency Fellow at National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials. He joined CityU in 2000 again as a Senior Research Fellow. He is currently a Chair Professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering; and he is also the deputy of the Center Of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF). His research focuses on thin films, semiconducting nanomaterials, surface science and modification, and ions/materials interactions. He received the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Best Paper Award in 2002, the Friedrich Wilhem Bessel Research Award of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, in 2003, and the Outstanding Research Award of CityU in 2015. Prof. Zhang is also the Visiting Professor in Siegen University, Germany, Cuiying Guest Professor (萃英講席教授) in Lanzhou University, Guest Professors in National Chiao Tung University, Soochow University, Hefei University of Technology, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (CAS), and Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (CAS). Till now he has published over 340 peer-reviewed journal papers.


The outstanding properties of diamond make it an excellent material for various device applications. Recently, diamond-based electrochemical and biomedical sensors have attracted increasing research interests. It is known that the potential applications of materials depend not only on their intrinsic properties, but also on the surface geometries in which they appear. The extreme properties of diamond, however, make it difficult to be structured to a desired geometry. This presentation will review the recent progresses in growth and nano-/micro-structuring techniques of diamond, in particular a simple and applicable method developed by us to nanostructure diamond (ranging from microcrystalline to nanocrystalline) surfaces using bias-assisted reactive ion etching (RIE) in hydrogen/argon plasmas. Various diamond nanocone/nanopillar/ nanowhisker (nanowire) arrays with high uniformity and tunable density have been achieved by using this method. The effects of initial film structure, surface roughness and RIE conditions on the size, density and geometry of nanostructures are revealed. Surface nanostructuring of diamond films is demonstrated to be an effective approach to extend and/or enhance the properties of diamond with respect to its bulk and film counterparts. Example applications of the diamond nanostructures in field electron emission, electrode, and in situ probing and drug delivery at cell level are also discussed.



報告人朱光宇 教授






朱光宇(Guangyu Zhu)博士,香港城市大學化學系副教授(終身教職),博士生導師;香港城市大學深圳研究院研究員。2002年本科畢業於北京大學化學與分子工程學院,本科期間從事蛋白與配體相互作用的研究(導師:來魯華教授)。同年赴美國匹茲堡大學(University of Pittsburgh)化學系與藥學院攻讀博士研究生學位(導師:Billy W. Day教授);2007年獲得化學博士學位,期間從事抗癌藥物的篩選和生物評測工作。2007 年至2011 年在美國麻省理工學院(MIT)化學系攻讀博士後,從事鉑類抗癌藥物的研究(合作導師:Stephen J. Lippard 教授)。目前研究領域:新型抗癌藥物的機制和發展,利用納米藥物載體提高抗癌藥的生物活性,以及化學生物學。在鉑類抗癌藥物合成和作用機理方面掌握了一整套獨到的研究技術。先後在Nat. Commun., PNAS, JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Cancer Res., Adv. Healthcare Mater. 等國際一流雜誌發表論文60餘篇,並獲得王寬誠教育基金會學者獎(2017)等多項榮譽。


Despite the broad clinical applications of platinum-based anticancer drugs including cisplatin, their side-effects and resistance issues have encouraged researchers to look for novel metal-based anticancer complexes. Non-traditional platinum compounds have been extensively studied and they hold the promise to be further developed as the next-generation platinum drugs. On the other hand, using nanomaterials to deliver cisplatin specifically into cancer cells has proven to be promising to increase the anticancer efficacy of cisplatin and has been a hot topic in the recent years. In this presentation, I will summarize the recent progress in my laboratory in 1) the design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of dual-targeting non-traditional platinum anticancer agents and 2) investigation on the action mechanism of metal-based anticancer agents. Examples of platinum constructs that promote the activation of p53 pathway and that have chemo-immunotherapy function will be given.



