

Hello, I’m Jennifer Whitt, Director of project.com.Welcome to our white board session today on how to manage stakeholder expectations.

One of the biggest complaints we have from project managers are how can we ever manage the expectations of all these stakeholders? It’s just too much to keep track of.Well,we want to give a few reminders today, some cues that may tip your off that maybe expectations are out of alignment and some things you can do for prevention.

So, let’s look at some reminders.

I want to remind everyone that not everyone is a stakeholder.So,may times when a project is initiated, there are different people within the organization, other client members, other team members, other vendor partners who try to give impact and feedback and request changes and we need to remember they are not necessarily stakeholders.

Typically, all organizations that impacted by project have stakeholders who are represented on the project and members of change control board. But they have a representative that they go to that they answer to for the organization, so, not everyone is a stakeholder. The formal stakeholders are documented, typically, in your charted and/or your project plan. So your stakeholders, they will be identified by the name, the role they're playing on the project and the organization they are representing. So, those are the true stakeholders. Anyone else from those organizations who have feedback need to be redirected to their stakeholders for them to provide the input through them.

Number two, they are, they being the stakeholders. They’re who the project manager answers to and again they're documented so they're the people that you look to for guidance.

Number three, a reminder that the stakeholders typically have multiple projects going on ,so they're attending a million meetings, they have a million tasks they're responsible for, they’re looking at a lot of reports trying to make decisions.So,they rely on you, the project manager to keep things documented, managed and delivered.

Number four, they can get things confused. It’s just a principle with all those things going on, it’s easy to get things confused. Not because they intentionally want to get things confused, but they have so much going on that it's hard to keep things in order and on track. And, again, that’s why they need the project manager.

Number five, they can make statements, they being the stakeholders; can make statements that are inaccurate or out of date.Again,not intentionally, but if things continue to change and go through the change control board and decisions are made that cause changes, they can merely be making statements based off of they are not kept up-to-date.

So, I want to give some of these reminders because many times when things start happening during the course of a project, then, people run around with different myths or misinformation. So what some of the cues that tip you off that expectations from your stakeholders are not being met?

If you have stakeholder or people within the organization that are saying, “Well, I thought this project was going to be delivered last month."Or,"I thought this person was going to deliver something. “Or, he or she said comment, “Well, she said that we were supposed to get it to do or a certain task" or "this never works”, or "It never works”, or "It never delivers”, or "We're always late."

If you hear some of these cues, then, again, they’re cues that somewhere there's a misalignment, something that you need to address as a project manager. What is prevention for some of the expectations been out of alignment? We feel like you can start things out right and keep them on track along the way in the project.And,here,it is true that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

So here are somethings we found helpful:

No.1 again, document the stakehoders.So document the stakeholders formally in your charter or your project plan, so you know their name, their role in the organization they're representing. And, actually, know the stakeholders. Many times I talk with project managers who have stakeholders and they say, “Well, we don't even know who they are, we’ve never seen them.

"They've never talked to them. Well, remember they are who your answer to, there are the people who own the project, they are people who fund the project, and they are the people who are the decision makers for the project. So, you, as the project manager, need to know them. The best way we know how to do that is to interview them. If you are locally with them,then,it's great to have a coffee meeting, or just an informal meeting, just a few minutes, or even if you say, “Well, my team is remote" or "They are in another country."

Well, Skype is good for that. You can skype or have a phone conservation, but really get to know them. Get to know their organization, get to know what issue they have, what assumptions they're making, what concerns or what they value the most in the project. So really get to know what makes them tick and what will throw off track.Then,inform your team of this information about the stakeholders. Get your team to know your stakeholders. You team members need to know, not just the tasks they are responsible for, but they need to know who they're working for, who the client is, who the stakeholders are.

Things about the project that are important, that will help them keep that in mind as the project goes along.Then,set up an enforce process. It’s important as a project manager to keep processes in align, so when other people in the organization, maybe either a project manager or your team members, and let them know that there is a process, a change management process.So,if feedback needs to come through the project or decisions need to be made it needs to go through the formal change management process.And,again,knowing that even though you enforce a process sometimes you have to tweak your process, so keeping that up-to-date, and keeping everyone within the project and outside the project on track.

Then, providing status frequently, regularly, up-to-date in the format that is appropriate for the different person, remembering that executives require a different level of status than the team members. The team members may need more detail on their task, the executives may need more details about the overall status of the project and the health of the project.

And then, touch base regularly and ask questions of your satkeholders.Contact them again, keep in constant contact and touch base and say. “How is it going, you know, how is it going, what you think about the project? “Is it meeting your expectations? “So by asking questions you can see what concerns they have instead of getting in an executive meeting, and you being the last to know that you're going to be hit with something that your team has missed, or you as the project manager have missed.

Then, important to dispel myths. Because the stakeholders do have multiple projects, so many things going on, it’s hard for them to keep track of, there are different people within the project, outside the project giving information and that's where myths come about. Where people make assumptions, misstatements about things, so it's important to constantly dispel those myths along the way and keep people saying truth about what's actually happening in the project.

So, we feel like this is the ounce of prevention that will save you a pound of cure for keeping yourstakeholder expectations aligned and on track.





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