Simpler Spelling May Be More Relevant Than Ever 更简拼写之重要或前所未有

Christine Ro 克里斯蒂娜·罗

The complexity of English spellings has been bothering people for nearly as long as English has been written down. They argue that inconsistent spellings make English unnecessarily hard to learn. The English Spelling Society, a UK organisation pushing for easier spellings, even argues that there's a link between difficult spelling and higher crime, with illiteracy pushing people into a life of illegality. While that argument might be a stretch, it's clear that non-traditional spelling does create a bad impression.

Compared to the UK variants, US spellings are easier for non-native speakers to learn, being shorter and slightly more phonetic. These US spellings are a legacy of dictionary pioneer Noah Webster's movement for simplified spelling. This movement sought to cleanse English of double and silent letters, as well as other inefficiencies related to orthography (the system of writing and spelling words).

In the US, Webster wasn't the first or last to propose radical reform of English spellings. Fans of simplified spelling across the centuries have included prominent figures like Benjamin Franklin, who advocated for an “alfabet” without the letter“X”, and Theodore Roosevelt, who was mocked for attempting to adopt recommended changes like turning “phoenix” into “fenix”.

But Webster was influential where most were largely ignored. His ideas led to the proliferation in the US of “labor” over “labour” and “center” over “centre”, even if not all his ideas have become the “fashon”. For one thing, English is such an irregular language that it's impossible to iron out all the kinks. No form of English is written out completely phonetically. Any new spelling rules would need plenty of exceptions.

Overall, English's erratic spellings bear witness to the many words it has absorbed from other languages. Like the wealth of accents among English speakers, this feature both enriches the language and poses a challenge to standardised simplified spellings. Thus there's never been a critical mass of linguists or the general public supporting massive spelling reform.

Webster's ideas are perhaps newly relevant, as the language of IT and the internet increasingly influences how English is written. Globally, Google returns more results for US spellings. In computing,“program”is generally accepted over “programme”. Shorter words are more versatile in text messages and social media posts, and search engine optimisation often favours US spellings.

But the internet is also exposing people to a large variety of spellings. So “people are representing their spoken dialects more through spelling in spaces like Twitter and Instagram”, says Lauren Squires, a linguist at Ohio State University. She believes that “people are becoming more comfortable with spelling variation”, even though there's a strong and enduring idea that only one spelling can be correct.

While English is too irregular to simplify its spellings as much as some proponents would like, one aspect of written English possibly being cut down by online communication is punctuation.

Full stops are now endangered in many brief instant messages, where the appearance of a full stop can give the impression of coldness or insincerity. This is partly related to line breaks in instant messages making full stops unnecessary.

As well, apostrophes may just fade away in some parts of written English as an unnecessary and time-consuming artefact. In more informal texts, they might go the way of the Oxford comma: some people using them only where needed to avoid confusion (e.g. his sister's money vs. his sisters' money).










