


1) 原版英语(内容讲两个美国女人在麦当劳里打架):

A brutal video of a McDonald’s worker beating up a female customer who apparently “disrespected” her mom surfaced on Thursday.

The video begins with the visitor throwing a milkshake at the employee who is angrily marching toward her.

The worker grabs the woman, who is wearing just a small black tank top and gray shorts, and starts pounding her head on a table.The worker throws the customer around so brutally that one of her breasts falls out of her top.

The larger woman then pummels the milkshake thrower with wild, swinging blows before tossing her onto a cushioned seat.

At this point, other employees try to get between the two women as the very one-sided fight rages on.Another employee, wearing a blue shirt, eventually restrains the battered patron but gets an elbow in the face for her effort.

The first worker tells her: “My momma ain’t dead, you respect my momma.”

In a last-ditch effort, the customer picks up a chair, but the waitress disarms her with ease.

The video was uploaded to Instagram by another customer who wrote: “So this happened at McDonald’s.”

“The lady asked for a water cup and supervisor shut down the soda machine because she wasn’t letting her get a free soda.”

2) 怎样读原版英语:

A brutal video of a McDonald’s worker beating up a female customer who apparently “disrespected” her mom surfaced on Thursday.

1.你可以用中文“粗暴的视频”读懂a brutal video,也可以用英语读懂a brural video means an extremely cruel video,a cold-blooded video,a violent video, an inhuman video.


2.你可以用中文“麦当劳”读懂McDonald’s ,也可以用英语读懂McDonald's is a fast food chain restaurant from the USA.

3. 你可以用中文“女顾客” 读懂a female customer,也可以读成英语:a woman customer,a woman buyer,a woman who buys something from a shop读懂。

4. 你可以用中文读懂“明显地” 读懂apparently,我却读成英语:apparently means obviously, clearly

5. 你可以用中文读懂“不尊重”读懂disrespected,我却读成英语:If you disrespect someone,you show no respect for someone.

6. 你可以用中文“浮出水面”读懂” surfaced,我却把学过的英语用起来读成英语:to surface here means to go viral.We can say something goes viral on the Internet,we can akso say it surfaces in the Internet.

以后自己用词就活了,不会来来回回只说go viral了。


The video begins with(starts with) the visitor(the customer) throwing a milkshake at the employee(worker) who is angrily marching toward her(walking to her).

The worker grabs the woman(seizes the woman) who is wearing just a small black tank top(wearing a bra) and gray shorts(short pants), and starts pounding her head on a table(hiting her head,striking her head,pummeling her head).

The worker throws the customer around(tosses her around) so brutally(so violently,so cruelly) that one of her breasts(boobs) falls out of her top(is exposed on her bra)

The larger woman then pummels (hits,strikes,pounds)the milkshake thrower with wild, swinging blows (fist strikes)before tossing(throws her,dumps her) her onto a cushioned seat(a soft seat)

At this point, other employees try to get between(try to stop them,try to separate them,try to disengage them) the two women as the very one-sided fight rages on(goes on,continues)

Another employee(worker) wearing a blue shirt(in a blue shirt), eventually (finally,at last)restrains the battered patron (stop the fighting customer)but gets an elbow in the face for her effort(is hit on her face by the elbow)



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