

Broadway  百老汇 来自北京外语广播 00:00 25:00

Broadway is one of the most famous streets in the world. It is well-known because of its many theaters. For years, countless numbers of people have traveled to New York to see the plays on Broadway. The theaters on Broadway are home to the best plays and musicals. Most theaters can be found between 42nd and 53rd Streets. An evening at a play or musical is the perfect end to a day in New York.

There are some fabulous musicals to enjoy on Broadway. One of the most popular is Phantom of the Opera . This play has been on stage for years. It is known for its fantastic special effects and great music. Another one you shouldn't miss is Les Miserables. This play has a great plot, superb songs, and beautiful sets. Many people have gone to see it over and over again.

If you're just visiting New York for a few days, you should make a point of seeing a play. It is an experience that will last a life time in your memories.

百老汇是全世界最知名的街道之一。那条街之所以出名是因那儿的许多家戏院。多年来,成千上万的人都去过纽约旅行,以观赏百老汇的戏剧。百老汇的戏剧是几部最好看的戏剧和歌舞剧的发源地。大部分剧院都可在第 42 街和第 53 街之间找得到。傍晚看一出戏剧或歌舞剧是结束纽约一日游的完美方式。




1. 英文中凡表 "点"、"线"、"面" 的名词常与介词 on 并用:

a. 点:

on the spot 当场

on the dot ……点整

on the island 在该岛上

例:It's seven AM on the dot.

现在是上午 7 点整。

The thief was caught stealing the lady's money on the spot.


There are many rare animals on that small island.


b. 线:

on the street 街道上

on theroad 马路上

on one's way home 某人回家途中

on the verge(brink, edge) of... 濒临……的边缘

on the riverside 在河边

= on the river bank

on the coast 在海岸


I live on that street.


I ran into a friend of mine on my way to work today.


c. 面:

on the mainland 在大陆

on the surface  在表面

例:The living standard on the Chinese mainland keeps rising every year.


2. 本课第一段第三及第四句均使用 on Broadway(在百老汇),乃因Broadway是纽约市知名的大街,故与介词 on 并用。




英语学习专家 | 赖世雄


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