摘要:將青檸醬汁的原料混合均勻,倒在沙拉上,攪拌均勻即可。60ml olive oil, 3 tbsps red wine vinegar, 2 tsps sugar, 1 clove garlic (minced), 3/4 tsps salt, 1/4 tsps ground mustard, 1/4 tsps pepper, 2 large heirloom tomatoes (cut into pieces), 1 medium sweet yellow pepper (cut into pieces), 1/2 small red onion (thinly sliced), 1 tbsp chopped fresh basil。

Shifting the working pace to the holiday mode is quite easy, but the reverse is more than challenging, requiring a surge of willpower.

During the lengthy celebration of Spring Festival, right after the New Year's in January, is quite a plunge: Involving a comprehensive schedule of reunions with familly and friends, plus an endless itenerary of door-to-door visitations with relatives and in-laws of the extended family. At this time, all will power and health discipline caved in to the taboos of insatiable food indulgence, as well as guiltless drinking spree. Needless to say, the disastrous consequence is multiple, which includes not only bloated bellies and ugly fat layers, but also soaring blood pressure, over saturated cholesterol, and increasing blood sugar. And, returning to the regular, healthy routine would mean insurmountable hard work, involving crush diets, excruciating exercises, and torrid affair with work.

Now that spring is here, seasonal vegetables flourish in colorful abundance. Albeit blatantly aware of the given truth that veggies are good for us, we are numb to the nagging reminders of parents and teachers to "eat your greens". We seemingly neglect the facts and figures of greens being contributory to health, supplying our body with enzymes and fiber for aiding digestion; cleansing digestive tracks and flushing out toxins; maintaining cognitive functions and improving mental capacity; supplementing natural vitamins and minerals; improving and rejuvenating cells and skin tissues; aiding weight loss; so on and so forth, altogether in the most natural way.

But now that we are facing the post holiday catastrophe, perhaps it is about time to take a serious look at the idea of "Going Clean and Green in Spring", which we so dedicatedly present by way of selective, easy, and economical 'Clean and Green' recipes. After all, "Health is Wealth" which money can't buy.






Highly regarded for its value in maintaining healthy eyes, avocado is rich in lutein, the substance that nourishes the eyes and acts as a powerful antioxidant. The soft, creamy fruit is also rich in fat (approx. 23 grams in a medium-sized fruit). But, fret not; for avocado's fat is the cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated kind that nutritionists advocate. Moreover, avocado is rich in vitamin E. Clinically proven, natural vitamin E can be an antidote to Alzheimer's disease. The avocado tree is huge and absorbs substantial water from the ground. It flourishes in South American countries like Argentina and Brazil; in North America like Mexico and parts of the U.S.; and Southeast Asia such as The Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia, among others. In the tropics, avocado is made into ice cream or mashed with cream and shaved ice as a refreshing treat for hot summer. Recognized for its values, the avocado has become a darling for salads, soups, sandwiches, tacos, dessertgs, garnish, and other hot and cold dishes.


Avocado Salad 牛油果沙拉


1 tbsp lemon juice, 2 medium avocados (peeled and cubed), 150g spring mix salad greens, 5 tomatoes(chopped), 120g chopped red onion, 60g chopped walnuts (toasted)

For lime dressing

3 tbsps olive oil, 1 tbsp fresh parsley (minced), 1 tbsp fresh cilantro (minced), 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tbsp lime juice, 1 tbsp yellow mustard, 1/8 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp pepper, dash of sugar


Drizzle lemon juice over avocados. In a serving bowl, combine salad greens, tomatoes, onion, walnuts and avocados. Whisk together dressing ingredients; pour over salad. Gently toss to mix and coat.








Nopale is recognized for its efficacy in regulating blood pressure. The plant, belonging to the cactus family, is also known as nopalito or prickly pear. Its spiny, fleshy paddle-shaped leaf is packed with fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. It is one of the best health options for people suffering from high blood pressure and high blood sugar, well proven by clinical studies.


Nopale Soup 仙人掌湯

Notes: If fresh cactus paddles are unavailable, canned or packed nopales or nopalitos may be used without need for preparation.


For cacti

4 cactus paddles, 2 tbsp kosher salt, 1L water, 100g avocados (sliced), 50g Cotija cheese (shaved), 4 quail eggs (poached), 5g radish sprouts

For soup

100ml corn oil, ½ white onion (finely sliced), 4 tomatoes, 1 dried chipotle chili, 1 tbsp plain flour, 1L chicken stock,

1 sprig epazote, salt and pepper to taste


1. Cut cacti into 1 cm pieces and place in non-reactive bowl. Add salt and rub vigorously for 30 seconds then rinse and dry.

2. Place water in saucepan and bring to boil. Add cacti and boil for 1 min. then drain. Set aside for use.

3. For soup: Heat saucepan over medium heat. Add corn oil and onion. Cook gently, stirring frequently, for 5 mins. without coloring until softened. Add tomato and chipotle chili. Further cook for 3 mins. or until tomato breaks down. Add flour and stir well then add chicken stock and epazote. Bring to boil then simmer for 20 mins. Season with salt and pepper. Remove epazote then blend until very smooth and pour into clean saucepan.

4. Return soup to boil. Garnish base of large flat soup bowl with cacti, avocado slices, and Cojita cheese. Gently pour heated soup around

bowl, top with quail egg and garnish with radish sprouts then serve.








2. 取鍋加水煮沸,加入仙人掌,煮1分鐘後撈出。備用。

3. 做湯:取鍋中火加熱,加入玉米油和洋蔥,翻炒5分鐘,至軟未上色。加入西紅柿和辣椒,繼續炒3分鐘至西紅柿變碎。


4. 加熱至沸騰。取湯碗,旁邊裝飾仙人掌、牛油果片和奶酪,慢慢倒入加熱後的湯,上面放鵪鶉蛋和蘿蔔苗。


The cancer-preventing Kale has been regarded as a super food, particularly for enhancing the immune system. Kale belongs to the powerhouse family of greens known as cruciferous veggies, the alias for the cabbage family. All such vegetables contain natural cancer-fighting compounds and vitamin C. Kale in particular also has bone-boosting vitamin K, vision and immune boosting vitamin A, and as well anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.


The Greenest Smoothie 綠油油果昔

Notes: This is a vegan's delight with a gentle bonus buzz from the matcha.


1 banana (cut into pieces), 240ml pineapple chunks, 240ml kale leaves, 240ml unsweetened almond milk, 2 tbsps almond butter, 2 tbsps flaxseed oil, 1 tbsp agave syrup (nectar), 1 tsp matcha, 1/2 tsp ginger (peeled & finely grated)


Purée banana, pineapple, kale leaves, almond milk, almond butter, flaxseed oil, agave, matcha, and ginger in blender. Sweeten with more syrup, if desired.






Brussels Sprout球芽甘藍——天然降壓器

Being a potent-packed cruciferous veggie, like broccoli, arugula, and bok choy, Brussels Sprout is rich in vitamins A and C. It is also regarded as a natural way of regulating blood pressure due to the high content of folate and potassium, thereby preventing birth-defects as well. The subtle bitterness of Brussels Sprout may not be exactly palatable, but here is a recipe that can be tempting and hearty by roasting the sprout.


Honey Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts



680g fresh brussels sprouts, 3 tbsps olive oil (in separate portions), 3/4 tsp kosher salt, 1/2 tsps ground black pepper, 2 tbsps balsamic vinegar, 2 tsps honey


1. Preheat oven to 218℃.

2. Line baking tray with aluminum foil or instead, us Silpat silicone baking mat.

3. Trim off outer, dry leaves and cut off bottom then slice sprouts lengthwise.

4. In large bowl, toss sprouts with 2 tbsps olive oil, some kosher salt, and freshly cracked black pepper. Coat thoroughly.

5. Place sprouts on baking sheet then roast until tender and caramelized for about 20 mins.

6. Return sprouts to bowl, add remaining olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and honey then toss to coat evenly. Taste and season with kosher salt if desired and serve.




1. 將烤箱預熱至218℃。

2. 烤盤上墊上錫紙或硅膠烤墊。

3. 修整甘藍葉,去掉乾的部分,然後縱切。

4. 取大碗,放入甘藍,均勻撒上橄欖油、鹽和黑胡椒。

5. 放在烤盤上,烤至香嫩,外皮輕微焦化,大約20分鐘。

6. 將甘藍移入碗中,加入剩餘的橄欖油、黑醋、蜂蜜,均勻攪拌。用鹽調味即可。


Researches show that kiwifruit is surprisingly packed with nutrients and fiber. According to the California Kiwifruit Commission, this fuzzy little green fruit provides 230 percent of the recommended daily requirement for vitamin C (almost twice that of an orange), together with more potassium than a banana, and 10% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin E and folate. All these benefits come with substantial fibers for aiding digestion and creating a sense of fullness for weight watchers. Kiwi is not only a stand-alone fruit but is also great with cereals, yogurts, or salads for a complete, balanced meal.


Healthy Breakfast Yogurt & Kiwi Pie



100g ground almonds, 54g sunflower seeds, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 small very ripe banana (approx. 78g, peeled), 4 tbsps Greek yogurt 2%, 2 kiwi (sliced)


1. Preheat oven to 200℃.

2. Put all ingredients in food processor and blend to make batter.

3. Grease two small cake tins with coconut oil and spread batter into two pans evenly.

4. Manually press dough around edges to get fine, uniform bottom.

5. Bake in preheated oven for approx. 15 mins.

6. Let cool completely and top with yogurt and kiwi. Yield 2 small pies.




1. 烤箱預熱至200℃。

2. 將所有食材放入食物料理機,打碎。

3. 將2個蛋糕模具塗上椰子油,平均塗抹上(2)。

4. 按壓邊緣,讓底部結實。

5. 在烤箱裏烤大約15分鐘。

6. 晾涼後,倒上酸奶,擺上奇異果。


Edamame belongs to the soybeans family, and has been taken as a staple in Japanese diet since time immemorial. The bean is a complete plant-based protein for vegans and meat eaters alike. While processed soy food produces negative estrogen-like effects on the body, endamame, being a whole soy food is a natural and healthy alternative. The bean, as a replacement of meat protein, lowers cholesterol by reducing saturated fat intake. Here is an appetizer that is amazingly healthy and tasty.


Roasted Edamame with Sea Salt and Cracked Black Pepper



480g frozen shelled edamame, 2 tsps extra-virgin olive oil, 1tsp sea salt, 1/2 tsp freshly-cracked black pepper


1. Thaw edamame for an hour in strainer over a bowl to catch melting liquid before baking. This will reduce roasting time.

2. Preheat the oven to 190℃.

3. If unthawed, just place frozen edamame in strainer and run under warm water for few seconds then spread over clean dish towel and

pat gently to dry.

4. In mixing bowl, toss edamame with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

5. Spread edamame evenly in single layer on sheet pan and roast for 30-40 mins. Stir every 10 mins. for edamame to puff and turn golden-brown. As steam escapes from beans, "singing" sizzling sound is produced.

6. Remove pan from oven and transfer roasted aromatic edamame to serving bowls.




1. 如果毛豆是冷凍的,則需要先解凍。

2. 烤箱預熱190℃。

3. 將解凍後的毛豆清洗乾淨,用紙吸乾多餘水分。

4. 取碗,將毛豆與橄欖油、鹽和胡椒混合。

5. 將毛豆在烤盤上平鋪開,烤30-40分鐘,每10分鐘,稍微翻一下,讓毛豆得到好看的金黃色。當水汽從豆子中跑出來,會發出“滋滋”聲。

6. 將烤好的毛豆移到盤中。


Basil, the gentle, top note herb is known for soothing inflammation. Even though basil is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, it has been an underrated health food. In particular, basil is a good source of vitamin K and iron. More significantly, fresh basil leaves are natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Other than just adding basil in cocktails, juices, and Italian pastas, here is a simple and delightful way with fresh basil leaves.


Basil & Heirloom Tomato Toss



60ml olive oil, 3 tbsps red wine vinegar, 2 tsps sugar, 1 clove garlic (minced), 3/4 tsps salt, 1/4 tsps ground mustard, 1/4 tsps pepper, 2 large heirloom tomatoes (cut into pieces), 1 medium sweet yellow pepper (cut into pieces), 1/2 small red onion (thinly sliced), 1 tbsp chopped fresh basil


In large bowl, whisk the first seven ingredients until even. Add remaining ingredients and toss gently to combine.







Most vegetables in spring are rich in vitamins K, C, A, and folate, plus a number of anti-inflammatory substance. Asparagus has an added value that is great for the guts. It is not only high in fiber (approx. 3g per cup) and protein (approx. 4-5g per cup), but also endowed with sumptuous dose of insulin, a natural "prebiotic" that promotes digestive health. Moreover, the amino acid in asparagus, called asparagine, helps cleanse the body waste. The only down-side in eating asparagus is the odd-smelling urine after intake.


Lemon Roasted Asparagus (Serves 4)



450g fresh asparagus (trimmed), 2 tbsps olive oil, 2 cloves garlic (minced), 2 tbsps parmesan (grated), 1 lemon (thinly sliced), 2 tbsps freshly squeezed lemon juice (approx. 1 lemon), 1/2 tsp sea salt, 1/4 tsp ground black pepper


1. Preheat oven to 205℃. Line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Add asparagus, lemon slices, olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sea salt, ground black pepper, minced garlic, and parmesan cheese on baking sheet.

3. Toss to evenly coat.

4. Place in oven to roast for 8-10 mins. or until asparagus is crisp outside and tender inside.




1. 烤箱預熱至205℃。烤盤上鋪好紙。

2. 放上蘆筍、檸檬片,澆上橄欖油、鮮榨檸檬汁,撒上海鹽、黑胡椒、蒜和帕瑪森奶酪。

3. 均勻塗開。

4. 放入烤箱,烤制8-10分鐘或至蘆筍外焦裏嫩。



