
Karaoke 来自北京外语广播 00:00 25:00

Karaoke is a popular form of entertainment that has taken the world by storm. The craze started out in Japan, but is now popular all over the world. It started out in Kobe, Japan where businessmen would gather with their colleagues, have a few drinks and sing songs. Even though karaoke started out in Japan, it has quickly spread in the past forty years. Karaoke started in a snack bar in Kobe City. Rumor has it that a performer who usually performed at the bar was unable to make it to his performance, so the bar owner played a tape of his music. Patrons of the bar began to sing along to the songs and shortly thereafter, karaoke as we now know it was born.

Karaoke was mainly an entertainment enjoyed by business people, but it later became a nationwide amusement due to the invention of the karaoke box. This box made it possible for the lyrics of the songs to be displayed on a video screen, while vocalists read the lyrics and sang their favorite songs. Karaoke is a fun way to while away the hours and spend time with friends, colleagues, and family.

席卷全球的卡拉 OK是一种颇受欢迎的娱乐形式。这股风潮起源于日本, 不过现已风靡全世界。卡拉 OK源自日本神户市,在神户商人会与同事聚在一 起小酌几杯并且唱几首歌。虽然卡拉 OK源自日本,不过在过去四十年来这种 娱乐已经迅速蔓延开来。卡拉 OK发源于神户市的一间酒吧。据传言,一名经 常在该酒吧表演的艺人赶不及表演,因此酒吧老板就先播放他的音乐带。酒吧的老主顾们就开始随着这些歌曲哼唱,之后没多久我们所熟知的卡拉 OK就这 样诞生了。

卡拉 OK本来主要是受商业人士所喜爱的休闲娱乐,但由于点唱包厢的发 明,它就成了举国上下的娱乐活动。这个设备使显示屏上出现歌词,让歌者跟着歌词唱着他们喜爱的歌。卡拉 OK是一种用来打发时间及与朋友、同事和家人共度时光的有趣方式。


1. 介绍表 ''据说∕谣传''  的英文说法:

Rumor has it that...据说∕谣传……

= It is rumored that...

= It is said that...

= Word has it that...

Rumor has it(It is rumored,Word has it,It is said) that the celebrity died of AIDS yesterday. 


Rumor has itWordhas it之前均不可置任何冠词,即无''Therumor has it that...''''Theword has it that...''的说法。

2. 本课第一段倒数第二句即使用了rumor(谣传)起首的句子:

Rumor has itthat a performer who usually performed at the bar was unable to make it to his performance...


3. 上句亦使用了下列常见的短语:

make it to +地点名词  成功地赶赴某处 请参看下例:

My wife and I took a taxi and justmade itin timetomy best friend's wedding.


John failed tomake it tothe important meeting and was laid off the nextday.


4. 短语make it则与succeed同义,表示 ''成功''  或''达成目标''。

Peter worked hard every weekday and in less than ten years he made it as general manager of our company.



Patrons of the bar began to sing alongtothe songs...



Let's dance to the beat(music,song) .




英语学习专家 | 赖世雄


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