taste bud: Your taste buds are the little points on the surface of your tongue which enable you to recognize the flavor of a food or drink. 味蕾

burn off: to remove something by burning it 燒掉,也可引申爲消耗脂肪。

You can use a blowlamp to burn off the old paint. 你可以用噴燈把原來的油漆燒掉。----朗文字典

"I need him to burn off a little extra energy." (我要讓他多消耗一點體能)----美劇《熟女鎮》

patriarch: an old man who is respected as the head of a family or tribe〔年長而受人尊敬的男性〕家長;族長;年高德劭的男性

set the tone: establish the general attitude or feeling of an event, activity etc(爲某事物)確定基調

"They'll help set the tone for two years of negotiations and efforts to finalize a deal." (它將爲兩年談判和達成交易的努力奠定基礎)----BBC News

"The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon rose to the occasion and tried to set the tone of the meeting." (聯合國祕書長潘基文主持大局,爲此次會議定下基調)----BBC News

That's all for today

September 26, 2018. XOXO

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