on purpose: If you do something on purpose, you do it intentionally. 故意地

"I think Vincent took it off on purpose." (我想文森特是故意取下来的)----美剧《侠胆雄狮》

"He pretends to be chopping wood and throws his ax in the pond on purpose.‘ (他假装砍柴,故意把斧头丢进了池塘里)----《少儿伊索寓言故事》

joke: If you say that something or someone is a joke, you think they are ridiculous and do not deserve respect. 可笑的人或事

It's ridiculous, it's pathetic, it's a joke. 这真是荒唐、可悲、就是个笑话。

get your hands off me 字面直译是把你的手从我身上拿开,所以就是别碰我,把你的手拿开。

assault: To assault someone means to physically attack them. 袭击

The gang assaulted him with iron bars. 该团伙用铁棒袭击了他。----有道英语

That’s all for today

July 25, 2018. XOXO

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