




273 來自何凱文考研英語 00:00 04:30


Dear         ,

     I am writing this letter to invite you to visit our university / my hometown for on behalf of ,. 

     Firstly, you can visit the historic interests and beautiful natural scene with the guidance of our best professional tour guides. Secondly, we have arranged some traditional activities you can take part in by yourself to experience authentic local culture. Thirdly, it will be our great honor if you could deliver a speech on the topic of during the visit. I am sure that it would be beneficial to    .

       We would appreciate it very much if you could accept our invitation. With best wishes!

                                                                                 Yours sincerely,

                                                                                  Li Ming








傳統的兩性社會分析認爲,雖然人們會傾向於選擇和自己性格和理念相似的人,比如同樣的宗教信仰或者節儉的生活作風,但涉及長相和收入時,卻是再美再多也不嫌過。美貌和金錢被視爲婚戀市場上最炙手可熱的籌碼。這種觀念下最常見的模式莫過於“郎財女貌”,但聖母大學的社會學家伊麗莎白·麥克林托克通過詳盡的研究發現,實際生活中“郎財女貌”基本不存在,就算偶有出現也不會長久。男女求偶過程中主導的力量是“匹配”。她寫道,有些結合看起來是美貌配財富,但其實是一系列優點的互相匹配。經濟成功的女性嫁給收入可觀的男性,長相不俗的男子娶了貌美如花的妻子。女性通常會花更多資源在保養上,新聞會常常報道男女薪酬的差距; 所以女性會比男性看起來更悅目,男性會比女性收入更高。於是人們就總是覺得:女性依靠美貌晉升了經濟階層,而男性依靠收入搶到了比自己更有魅力的女性。但通過仔細對比,會發現其實雙方在長相、教育、經濟階層甚至在生活習慣上都是非常“門當戶對”的。

今天的句子:People, though, are liars. Experiments that don’t rely on self-reporting regularly show that physical attractiveness is exquisitely, at times incomparably, important to both men and women. Status (however you want to measure it: income, formal education, et cetera) is often not far behind. In real-life dating studies, which get closer to genuine intentions, physical attractiveness and earning potential strongly predict romantic attraction.思考題:People in self-reporting experiments undervalue the importance of appearance and money.

第一句:People, though, are liars.Though 放在句首,句中:雖然; 放在…,though,… 或者…, though.:但是!參考譯文:但人們愛說謊。(體會一下翻譯成“人們是騙子”是不是有點不太對。)

第二句:Experiments that don’t rely on self-reporting regularly show that physical attractiveness is exquisitely, at times incomparably, important to both men and women.詞彙突破:1.physical attractiveness 軀體的吸引力,即體徵美2.exquisitely 精細地;微妙地;過分講究地3.at times 有時4.incomparably 無可比擬地主幹識別:Experiments… regularly show that physical attractiveness is exquisitely important to both men and women.實驗通常顯示體徵美對於男性和女性都相當重要。切分成分:1.that don’t rely on self-reporting(定語從句)2.at times incomparably(插入語)與exquisitely並列,表示有多重要:有時也無比地重要參考譯文:不依賴於自我陳述的實驗通常顯示,體徵美對於男性和女性都相當重要,有時是無比的重要。

第三句:Status (however you want to measure it: income, formal education, et cetera) is often not far behind.詞彙突破: 1.measure 衡量2.formal education 正規教育3.etc./et cetera 等等4.far behind 落後太遠5.however 無論…參考譯文:地位(無論你想怎麼衡量它:收入、正規教育等)往往排名也不會太靠後。

第四句:In real-life dating studies, which get closer to genuine intentions, physical attractiveness and earning potential strongly predict romantic attraction.詞彙突破:real-life 真實的dating 約會genuine 真正的intention 意圖主幹識別:physical attractiveness and earning potential strongly predict romantic attraction 體徵美和收入潛力很強地預測了浪漫吸引力。切分成分:In real-life dating studies(地點狀語)在實際約會研究中which get closer to genuine intentions(定語從句)什麼樣的研究參考譯文:在更接近真實意圖的實際約會研究中,體徵美和收入潛力強烈地預示了浪漫吸引力(被別人喜歡上的可能性)。

思考題:People in self-reporting experiments undervalue the importance of appearance and money.根據上面的譯文可以知道,不依賴於自我陳述的實驗證明了外表和金錢的重要性,反言之,就是依賴於自我陳述的實驗低估了它們的重要性。所以這道題的答案是“True”又是一次正話反說!明天的句子:She pointed to media coverage that described loneliness as an epidemic, likening it to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. “It’s not realistic to expect that we can cure loneliness and I don’t think we should – it’s part of being human,” she said. “It’s a signal to ourselves that we want something more from our social interactions, that we want something more from our social lives.”思考題:She disagrees with media coverage and thinks loneliness is terminally ill.





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