摘要:他说,当他走到第七街和坦普尔大道拐角的一家酒类商店时,看到一辆白色汽车在第七街的美甲店前转弯,然后就听到了20至30声的枪响。▲ ‘Tragic’ Long Beach shooting leaves 3 dead, 9 injured — motive and ID of shooter or shooters not known (via presstelegram.com)。



Authorities declared a mass casualty incident and said that they were responding to a crime scene where they discovered 3 dead males and 9 others injured, 5 of them seriously, outside a home next to a nail salon in downtown Long Beach just after 11 p.m on Tuesday night.


▲ At least 3 dead, 9 injured in Long Beach shooting (via abcnews)



图 via LBFD


Lambert Alcendor, 21, has lived in the area for nearly four years.

21岁的Lambert Alcendor在这附近住了近四年。

He said that he was walking to a liquor store at 7th Street and Temple when he saw a white car swerving on 7th Street in front of the nail salon and heard 20 to 30 shots fired.


“I definitely heard a lot of shots,” he said. “And that’s when I started running.”


Alcendor said he ducked behind a car on 7th Street near Gladys Avenue, and when he looked back toward the area the car was gone. Although he didn’t see gunfire come from the car, he felt confident that that’s where the shots came from.


▲ ‘Tragic’ Long Beach shooting leaves 3 dead, 9 injured — motive and ID of shooter or shooters not known (via presstelegram.com)

33岁的Oscar Cancio也恰好在附近的停车场。他说自己听到了9至11声枪响,起初还以为是哪儿在放烟花,直到听到直升机在头顶盘旋和警车的声音,才知道大事不妙。

He became worried about his neighbors, and headed in the direction of the sounds he heard. He found police tape lining the yard of a residence next to the nail salon near 7th and Temple. He witnessed three people who were completely still, unmoving as they were taken away from the building on stretchers.


▲ ‘Tragic’ Long Beach shooting leaves 3 dead, 9 injured — motive and ID of shooter or shooters not known (via presstelegram.com)

长滩消防局公共信息官员Jake Heflin接受采访时表示,现场一片混乱,但已经得到有效控制。目前案件正在调查中,暂无关于嫌疑人的描述,也没有他(们)是否被拘留的信息。


来源:abcnews, Twitter, presstelegram.com

