
Cornucopia, just as its name implies its shape is concave, such as bowl such as pocket, fortune to get together gas, bonanza, grow the house feng shui. Can put inside so the cornucopia COINS, copper, silver piece, amulets and other auspicious items. Cornucopia, is a treasure of Chinese folk story. Legends Ming shen three thousand reasons for becoming rich is having the cornucopia. The allusions from weeks a queue "burn set different" : "Ming shen three thousand micro, see fisherman a frog hundreds and will file Ji, to buy Qiang, longitudinal in the pool. Loud sound, and later ear can't believe, in the morning to drive, see frog ring faces a made of baked clay, vision, will be thought huan hands. Three thousand wife accidentally left a silver hair pin in the basin, the earth fill, meter, with money try as is, is after all."


Cornucopia is the treasures of the god of wealth, to accumulate, so also willing to derive a series of related culture. Can put money in the house or on the case and the bright place, god put inside basin modern COINS or bars or brics (brass), strong urge its prosperous wealth effect. Or put in home not only to keep, can also be a great evil evil spirit, be safe.

文中此聚宝盆外壁立体浮雕,镀银雕刻了回形纹、如意纹于盆体。聚宝盆壁向外呈圆弧形。双狮耳作工精巧,活灵活现,摆在室内,满室生辉,说不尽的皇家气势。工艺精湛,巧夺天工,天下无双。雕瓷纹饰细腻丰满生动, 胎质坚实厚重,底款“乾隆年制”四字篆书款,经鉴定为乾隆后期仿制,但也是官窑器风格,极具收藏及投资价值。满器采用雕瓷工艺,龙凤纹饰刻画深刻典型,气势磅礴神态逼真,栩栩如生,整体纹饰搭配自然合理,具有聚财好运之意,极其富贵荣华,龙凤呈祥,寓意美好。

In this paper, the outer wall of the cornucopia three-dimensional relief, carved silver plated back into shape, ruyi lines in the basin. Outward wall cornucopia assumes the circular arc form. Double lion ear work is exquisite, lifelike, the indoor, full chamber unripe brightness, untold royal momentum. Exquisite workmanship, wonderful artical excelling nature, just one. Carving vivid and exquisite porcelain grain plump TaiZhi massiness, solid paragraphs bottom "qianlong year" four words the seal character, identified as late qianlong generic, but it's also a style of imperial wares, extremely collection and investment value. Carved porcelain technology on full apparatus, longfeng grain deep typical characterization, majestic expression distinct, vivid, whole grain natural reasonable collocation, money has the meaning of good fortune and prosperity, in extremely good fortune, moral good.

