YR: On thin ice 就是中文里说的如履薄冰吧?太形象了。

Jessica: You know what? I'm not worried about you. I think you can definitely finish the assignment on time!

YR: 真的吗?好,那我加油,一定按时完成,做得漂漂亮亮的!

Jessica: That's the spirit!

YR: 我去了! Bye Jessica!

Jessica: Wait 怡茹! Before you go, tell me what you've learned today!


第一,崩溃可以用 to freak out;

Don't freak out yet

第二,走投无路,无计可施是 at the end of someone's rope;

This phrase basically means you are out of options.

you are at the end of your rope.

第三,如履薄冰是 on thin ice.

being on thin ice is definitely not the best feeling in the world.
