



A newly published supplementary book on math has sparked wide controversy in China because it is divided into two editions by gender. The publisher, East China Normal University Press, raised eyebrows in an article titled "My daughter is good at math, should I buy the boy edition for her?"
Facing criticism that it was promoting misconceptions about gender differences in math performance, the publisher announced on Wednesday that the book has officially been taken off the shelves.


In 2018, the University of Oxford extended the length of math and computer science exams from 90 to 105 minutes as part of an effort to help women achieve better grades.
According to a document acquired by The Times newspaper, the university believed that the changes would serve to "mitigate the gender gap that has arisen in recent years, and in any case the exam should be a demonstration of mathematical understandings and not a time trial."
Some critics of the measure have argued that such effort is "sexist" and presupposes that women are worse at math than men.


由经济合作与发展组织(OCED)主办的国际学生能力评估测试(PISA),每三年举行一次,是目前世界上规模最大、最具权威性的教育评估项目之一。每次测试,数万名来自全球70多个国家和地区的15岁青少年将接受数学、阅读、科学三个科目的考察。法国学者托马斯?布雷达(Thomas Breda)和克洛蒂尔德?纳普(Clotilde Napp)对测试结果进行分析后发现,男女生在数学成绩上的差别非常小。
Every three years, hundreds of thousands of 15-year-olds from more than 70 countries and regions take part in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), run by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Students complete tests in math, reading and science in the PISA. When French scholars Thomas Breda and Clotilde Napp looked at the data from the program, they found that there were very small gender gaps in math performance.

由国际教育成就评价协会(IEA)开展的国际数学与科学趋势研究项目(TIMSS)每四年举办一次,主要考察各国四年级和八年级学生的数学与科学学科成绩。美国心理学家妮可?艾尔斯-卡斯特(Nicole Else-Quest)分析测试结果后发现,相较于男生,女生在数学上并没有处于劣势。在部分项目上,女生的表现甚至比男生更优异。
Nicole Else-Quest, an American psychologist examined data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science (TIMSS), and found that girls around the world are not worse at math than boys and sometimes even better than their male peers.

2019年3月19日,挪威科学与文学院在奥斯陆宣布,将2019年的阿贝尔奖(Abel Prize)颁给美国数学家凯伦?凯斯库拉?乌伦贝克(Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck),以表彰她在分析、几何和数学物理方面的成就。阿贝尔奖被誉为“数学界的诺贝尔奖”,乌伦贝克是第一位获此殊荣的女性数学家。
On March 19, 2019, U.S. mathematician Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck was awarded the 2019 Abel Prize – seen by many as the Nobel Prize in mathematics – for her wide-ranging work in analysis, geometry and mathematical physics. Uhlenbeck is the first woman to win the prize, which is given out by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters to honor the 19th-century Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel.
"We were told that we couldn’t do math because we were women," Uhlenbeck wrote in a 1996 essay. "I liked doing what I wasn't supposed to do, it was a sort of legitimate rebellion."
2005年,时任哈佛大学校长劳伦斯?萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)在一次演讲中声称,“男女之间的先天性差别可能是导致女性在数理领域鲜有建树的原因。”

科学、技术、工程和数学(Science, Technology, Engineering和Mathematics,简称STEM)教育领域存在的性别不平等现象尤为显著。高等教育阶段,STEM相关研究领域的所有学生中,只有35%是女性;目前全球研究人员队伍中,女性占比仅为28%。
Gender stereotypes and biased attitudes compromise the quality of the learning experience for female students and limit their education choices.
The gender disparity in STEM education is striking. In higher education, only 35% of all students enrolled in STEM-related fields are female. Today, only 28% of all of the world’s researchers are women. 
Girls are often brought up to believe that STEM subjects are "masculine" topics and that female ability in STEM is innately inferior to that of males. While research on biological factors belies any factual basis for such beliefs, they persist and undermine girls' confidence, interest and willingness to engage in STEM subjects.

吉国杰 本文来源:CGTN 责任编辑:化成雨_NBJ11143