先科普:美國海關簡稱:CBP (US Customs and Border Protection)


順利拿到美國簽證後,最後是否能入境和入境可以停留多久,還是要看海關CBP 最後蓋在小白卡I-94 上的時間。

大家都知道美國離境沒有海關,CBP只在入境時需要和他打交道,出境美國I-94小白卡是由航空公司直接代爲收走交回美國的,就算你沒有小白卡也一樣可以上機離開。 (但如果小白卡遺失務必要處理,小白卡沒交回會沒有出境紀錄下次入境可能會有麻煩囉)

出入境登記卡I-94將無紙化 出入境美國更方便


1- 申請 I-539 延籤

2- 直接出境美國再重新入境。但短時間內再次入境,被蓋短時間的機率還是很高

以下我將公開如何自行辦理延籤,其實並不困難,但如果完全不想跑,那還是可以找律師代辦,一般價格約爲(US$ 600~800)就能辦到好。

辦理 I-94 延期居留完整 流程

如果你的I-94 小白卡上除了被蓋很短的時間外,還另外加註瞭如以下:

NO EOS (No Extension of Status)不得延期,NO COS (No Chang of Status)不得轉換身份, 或NO AOS (No Adjustment of Status)不得調整身份。

也不用太過緊張,你一樣可以辦理延籤,給不給過是由移民局CIS 決定。法律上沒有因爲有負面加註,就一定要否決申請的規定。就曾經有被加註過的媽媽一樣成功辦下延籤囉




如果找黃醫生,第一次看診時只要告訴他被蓋很短時間,需要請他幫忙,他會馬上請護士幫你印下所有表格,也會幫你簽名並且附上診斷書給你,而且他不會收費。實在就感心吧~ 這是我親眼看到的喔:P


名字一定要是你自己的,存款證明上的數字越多越好,起馬要有US$7~8000 UP,申請完存款證明基本上錢要用還是可以先領出使用OK的。

存款證明是要證明你在美期間,和延期後的時間,所有花費你都付擔的起,I 539 申請書上也可以再加上你的信用卡號說明此卡有多少額度,也有加分作用。

3:I-539 申請表的理由,請寫醫生診斷你無法搭機回國

I-539 申請表:USCIS官網 - I539表格

I-539 申請表填寫說明:USCIS官網- I539說明

關於延長居留,請參考:USCIS 官網- Extend Your Stay

關於 I539 請參考:USCIS 官網

申請表可以線上E-MAIL 但不建議,請直接郵寄就好,可以加慢速度爭取停留時間,如果被蓋30天,建議你在快到期的前一週左右再寄出。如果被蓋10天,建議在第7~8天時寄出。

當你送出申請表,交出舊的I-94 白卡時,不論有沒有通過延期,雖然沒有了合法身份(無I-94) 但卻有合法停留,所以不用擔心有任何問題,想做什麼都不用怕,慢慢等待通知即可。最快在大約4周時,你會先收到一份USCIS 寄來的通知,如果申請通過,收到的會是I-797A Approval Notice 批准通知書,有了這張就不用擔心囉,它可以取代原來的I-94,新的I-94白卡會在之後才寄到。

如果I539申請沒有通過,你會收到I-541 Notice of Decision 延期被拒通知,如果收到拒籤通知原先的I-94還沒到期,只需要在I-94到期前離境就可以。如果收到拒籤通知時I-94 已經過期也不用擔心,移民局通常會給30 天的寬限期(從Notice Date 起算)。


PS:如果無法及時離境,即屬out of status,也叫overstay。這會影響你以後的簽證和入境。通常來說,不超過180 天,不會影響移民申請。但是,非法停留六個月三年內不得入境,超過一年是十年不得入境。

4:請寫一封給 USCIS 移民局的信


一:爲什麼要辦延籤? 理由就是身體出狀況,醫生診斷無法下牀必須臥牀到生產爲止,不能搭機回國等等。

二:需要延期的簽證時間? 通常是直接延半年,通過的話在半年內隨時離境都ok,或是也可附上回程機票,延期通過的時間通常就會是你的機票時間。

三:延期的經濟能力支持? 請附上銀行存款證明,也可再加寫上信用卡卡號並說明有多少額度,另外可補上如果有需要,家人可從國內匯款至帳戶。

四:在囯內的工作爲何能停留這麼長? 如果入境身份是家管,可寫上我不需要工作(不需要和沒有工作不一樣喔……) 或是可寫上自己就是老闆,公司有屬下員工可繼續運作,或是說有一年產假可放等等之類。工作年收入有多少,存款有多少,存款足夠生活一年都可不用擔心等等。


5:請至郵局買 us$290元 的 money order

這是給USCIS 的申請規費,要隨信附上。一張I539 US$290元,夫妻、父母、母子、父子等可寫同一張,只需付一次錢。






5:舊的I-94卡 (記得先影印一份下來)


7:護照和VISA 頁和入境章頁 影本


將以上所有資料文件寄到USCIS 就可以了

USCIS 加州收件地址 2擇一即可:

U.S. Postal Service

USCIS California Service Center

P.O. Box 10129

Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1012

USPS Express Mail/Courier:

USCIS California Service Center

24000 Avila Road, 2nd Floor, Room 2312

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

I539 申請表 中英對照

Part 1. Information about you.

Name - 姓前名後,Middle 留空

Address - In care - 填你朋友的名字,如果用別人地址代轉時

Country of Birth - 出生國家

Country of Citizenship - 哪國公民

US Social Security # (if any) - 社安號,沒有則留空

A # (if any) - 沒有則留空

Date of Last Arrival Into the US - 入境日期,在入境時填的I-94 卡找印章。如 "12/29/2006"

I-94 # - 左上角號碼,手寫或預印,長11 位數字

Current Nonimmigrant Status - 現行身份,如B/2

Expires on (mm/dd/yyyy) - 有效停留期,(入境的I-94 上)通常是手寫的。如 "12/29/2009"

Part 2. Application type.

1. I am applying for:

a [ ] An extension of stay in my current status - 延期- 選這個

b [ ] A change of status - 轉換身份

The new status I am requesting is: - 填要轉的新身份,如F-2, H-4 etc

c [ ] Reinstatement to student status: - 學生身份(如F-1)

2. Number of people included in this application:

a [ ] I am the only applicant - 僅本人

b [ ] Members of my family are filing this application with me - 本人及家庭成員

The total number of people (including me) in the application is: - 總人數(加自己),如"2" 表示自己和另個人一起申請

Part 3. Processing information

1. I/We request that my/our current or requested status be extended until (mm/dd/yyyy):

填申請的停留期限(未來日期)。如 "02/24/2008"

2. Is this application based on an extension or change of status already granted to your spouse, child or parent?


[ ] No - 否

[ ] Yes - 是

3. Is this application based on a separate petition or application to give your spouse, child or parent an extension or change of status?


[ ] No - 否(參見 2)

[ ] Yes, filed with this I-539 - 是,且其申請現在一起交(如與I-129 一起交)

[ ] Yes, filed previously and pending with USCIS. Receipt #: - 是,但其申請已交正在等批覆,則附上申請收據號

4. If you answered "Yes" to Question 3, give the name of the petitioner or applicant:

若問題3 回答了〞是〞,請列出申請人姓名。

If the petition or application is pending with USCIS, also give the following data:


Office filed at - CSC, NSC, TSC, VSC 之一

Filed on (mm/dd/yyyy) - 填收據日期

Part 4. Additional information.

1. For applicant #1, provide passport information: 申請人一之護照信息

Country of Issuance - 發照國家

Valid to: (mm/dd/yyyy) - 護照有效期

2. Foreign Address: 填國外住址

Street Number and Name - 街名及號碼

Apt. # - 公寓號

City or Town - 市

State or Province - 省

Country - 國別

Zip/Postal Code - 郵編

3. Answer the following questions. If you answer "Yes" to any question, explain on separate sheet of paper.


a. Are you, or any other person included on the application, an applicant for an immigrant visa?

你或任何申請人有沒有申請移民簽證? (有無在美國領館申請移民簽證- CP)

b. Has an immigrant petition ever been filed for you or for any other person included in this application?

你或任何申請人有沒有進行移民申請? (交了 I-130/I-140 嗎)

答"Y" 的,還得附上一句︰I-130 (or I-140) was filed/approved/denied on MM/DD/YY (Notice/Approval/Denial Date) with receipt# xxxxx

c. Has a Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, ever been filed by you or by any other person included in this application?

你或任何申請人有沒有填過I-485 表格進行身份調整?(交了 I-485 嗎)

d1. Have you, or any other person included in this application, ever been arrested or convicted of any criminal offense since last entering the US?


d2. Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, commited, assisted, helped with, or otherwise participated in any of the following

(a) Acts involving torture or genocide?

(b) Killing any person?

(c) Intentionally and severely injuring any person?

(d) Engaging in any kind of sexual contact or relations with any person who was being forced or threatened?

(e) Limiting or denying any person's ability to exercise religious beliefs?

是否參與過下列行爲︰a) 拷問/屠殺,b) 殺人,c) 故意傷人致重,d) 強制性關係,e) 限制信仰自由

d3. Have you EVER:

(a) Served in, been a member of, assisted in, or participated in any military unit, paramilitary unit, police unit, self-defense unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, militia, or insurgent organization?

(b) Served in any prison, jail, prison camp, detention facility, labor camp, or any other situation that involved detaining persons?

是否曾經a) 參加、服務或支持過軍隊、警察或暴亂組織;b) 服務於監獄、拘留所、集中營等拘人機構

d4. Have you EVER been a member of, assisted in, or participated in any group, unit, or organization of any kind in which you or other persons used any type of weapon against any person or threatened to do so?


d5. Have you EVER assisted or participated in selling or providing weapons to any person who to your knowledge used them against another person, or in transporting weapons to any person who to your knowledge used them against another person?


d6. Have you EVER received any type of military, paramilitary, or weapons training?


e. Have you, or any other person included in this application, done anything that violated the terms of the nonimmigrant status you now hold?

你或任何申請人有沒有非移民身份的違例? (身份過期、非法工作等)

f. Are you, or any other person included in this application, now in removal proceedings?


g. Have you, or any other person included in this application, been employed in the US since last admitted or granted an extension or change of status?


h. Are you currently or have you ever been a J-1 exchange visitor or a J-2 dependent of a J-1 exchange visitor?

If yes, you must provide the dates you maintained status as a J-1 exchange visitor or J-2 dependent. Willful failure to disclose this information (or other relevant information) can result in your application being denied. Also, please provide proof of your J-1 or J-2 status, such as a copy of Form DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status, or a copy of your passport that includes the J visa stamp.

目前或曾經是 J-1/J-2 身份?

若答是,須指明J-1/J-2 身份的期限,並附DS-2019 表,或帶J 簽證的護照複印件(與J 身份是否獲得了豁免無關)

Part 4. Additional information. Page for answers to 3f and 3g.

If you answered "Yes" to Question 3f in Part 4 on Page 3 of this form, give the following information concerning the removal proceedings. Include the name of the person in removal proceedings and information on jurisdiction, date proceedings began and status of procedings.

如果你對問題3f 回答了〞是〞,請說明有關驅逐事宜。

If you answered "No" to Question 3g in Part 4 on Page 3 of this form, fully describe how you are supporting yourself. Include the source, amount and basis for any income.

如果你對問題3g 回答了〞否〞,請另附紙說明你將如何養活自己,包括經濟來源,數額和其它收入。


If you answered "Yes" to Question 3g in Part 4 on Page 3 of this form, fully describe the employment. Include the name of the person employed, name and address of the employer, weekly income and whether the employment was specifically authorized by USCIS .

如果你對問題3g 回答了〞是〞,請說明工作情況,包括受僱人,僱主姓名及地址,週薪,以及工作是否經移民局批准。

Part 5. Applicant's Statement and Signature.

I can read and understand English, and have read and understand each and every question and instruction on this form, as well as my answer to each question.


Each and every question and instruction on this form, as well as my answer to each question, has been read to me by the person named below in ________, a language in which I am fluent. I understand each and every question and instruction on this form, as well as my answer to each question.

表格系由下指人士以本人通曉的(填母語名)幫助填寫- 選此項時亦填第六部分譯者信息

Signature - 你的簽名

Print your Name - 姓名正楷

Date - 日期

Daytime Telephone Number - 電話號碼

E-Mail Address - 電子郵箱

Part 6. Interpreter's Statement 譯者聲明

Language used: - 使用語言(同第五部分)

Print your Name - 譯者姓名正楷

Date - 日期

Firm Name and Address - 事務所名稱及地址

Daytime Telephone Number (Area Code and Number) - 電話號碼

Fax Number (Area Code and Number) - 傳真號碼

E-Mail Address - 電子郵箱

Part 7. Signature of person preparing form, if other than above. (Sign below.) 如此表由人代填,代填人在下簽名

Signature - 代填人簽名

Print your Name - 代填人姓名正楷

Date - 日期

Firm Name and Address - 事務所名稱及地址

Daytime Telephone Number (Area Code and Number) - 電話號碼

Fax Number (Area Code and Number) - 傳真號碼

E-Mail Address - 電子郵箱




決定延期居留I-539 通不通過,是移民局CIS

移民局CIS (USCitizenship and Immigration Service)

當你入境之後,你就由移民局(CIS) 接管了。


所以還是那句老話……不論CBP 給你的時間長短,最重要的是隻要可以入境美國都好辦

執法局ICE (USImmigration and Customs Enforcement)

在邊境防止偷渡,境內追捕無合法身份的僑民,是ICE 的職責。



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