摘要:据纽约时报报道,维多利亚的秘密的母公司L Brands的首席执行官莱斯利•韦克斯纳在一封泄漏的内部电子邮件中透露,这个内衣巨头正在经历一些变化。Ratings for last year's show (3.3million viewers), which aired on ABC in the US, marked the lowest in five years.。



模特 Shanina Shaik透露了一个爆炸性消息:今年的维密秀已经取消。


Speaking to The Daily Telegraph on Tuesday, the Australian model, who has walked in the show five times since 2011, said she is disappointed by the news.


'Unfortunately the Victoria's Secret show won't be happening this year,' the 28-year-old said.


'It's something I'm not used to because every year around this time I'm training like an angel.’


'I'm sure they're trying to work on branding and new ways to do the show because it's the best show in the world.'


Via Daily Mail




Ratings for last year's show (3.3million viewers), which aired on ABC in the US, marked the lowest in five years.


A year prior, the show pulled in 5million viewers.


In May, it was revealed that the show would no longer be aired on network television after 24 years.


Via Daily Mail

早些时候,维密母公司L Brands首席执行官莱斯利·韦克斯纳表示:“我们已经决定重新考虑维多利亚的秘密的传统时装秀。”


The New York Times reported that a leaked internal email from Leslie Wexner, who is the chief executive of Victoria's Secret's parent company, L Brands, revealed that the lingerie giant was undergoing some changes.

据纽约时报报道,维多利亚的秘密的母公司L Brands的首席执行官莱斯利•韦克斯纳在一封泄漏的内部电子邮件中透露,这个内衣巨头正在经历一些变化。

'Fashion is a business of change. We must evolve and change to grow. With that in mind, we have decided to re-think the traditional Victoria's Secret Fashion Show,' he wrote.

“时尚是充满变革的产业。 我们必须与时俱进才能成长。考虑到这一点,我们决定重新思考和调整维多利亚的秘密时装秀,“他写道。

'Going forward we don't believe network television is the right fit. In 2019 and beyond, we're focusing on developing exciting and dynamic content and a new kind of event—delivered to our customers on platforms that she's glued to… and in ways that will push the boundaries of fashion in the global digital age.’


Via Daily Mail



图文:Daily Mail
