
later / catch you later

[especially American, spoken] use this to say goodbye to a friend you will see again soon. Later and catch you laterare used especially by young people


Catch you later, Matt.


“Later, Mike.” “Later, Steve.”


so long

[American spoken] use this to say goodbye to someone you do not expect to meet again for a long time


“So long”, he said. “Don’t forget to write.”


She grabbed Nick by the shoulders and hugged him affectionately. “So long, Nick.”


have a nice day / good weekend / great time etc.

[spoken] say this when you are saying goodbye to someone to wish them a good day, a good weekend, a good holiday etc.


Have a nice weekend.


Have a great timeat the concert, you guys!


have a good one

[American spoken] say this when you are saying goodbye to someone to wish them a nice day


“I’m off to work.” “Alright, have a good one.”


take care

[spoken] use this to say goodbye to family or friends


“All right, Pat. Take care.” “You too, Sally. Bye bye.”


Take careand we’ll talk to you soon.


take it easy

[American spoken] use this to say goodbye to a friend or member of your family


“See you next week.” “Yeah, take it easy.”


nice to meet you / nice meeting you

[spoken] say this when you are going to leave someone who you have just met for the first time 【口】认识你很高兴〔用于和初次相识的人道别〕:

Well, it was nice meeting you guys.


“It was nice to meet you, Paul.” “Nice to meet you too, Joanne.”



一般传统英语词典主要以释义为目的, 指导学习者如何理解词语的意思。 本词典则主要指导学习者如何有效地运用词语, 有别于传统英语词典。 它通过关键词把表达相同思想、 概念或属于同一语义范围的单词和词组编排在一起, 帮助学习者增加词汇知识, 更有效地运用英语表达思想。



