
此枚袁世凱像洪憲紀元飛龍金幣,乃袁世凱稱帝時所鑄紀念幣。其幣身正面模壓袁世凱身着戎裝之半身像,背面模壓飛龍紋飾,上方鐫刻“中華帝國”,下方鐫刻“洪憲紀元”。據傳意大利籍雕刻師喬——Luigi Giorgi雕刻作品。並由天津造幣廠鑄造此幣。


Although the time of the Republic of China is not far away from now, but because of the frequent war, the money that can be preserved is very little, and the amount of gold coin is less, so the price is often taken whenever there is gold coin. Yuan Shikai is like the gold coins of Hong Xian, which is the commemorative coin made by Yuan Shikai when he was Emperor. Yuan Shikai was dressed in the bust of the military uniform and molded on the back of the dragon, with the inscribed "China Empire" above, and the "Hongxian era" underneath. According to legend, Italy sculptor Qiao - Luigi Giorgi sculpture. This coin is made by the Tianjin mint. The whole coin is exquisite, which is one of the typical representative works in the early years of the Republic of China. The coinage technology of the dragon gold coin has reached its peak at that time. The front yuan is vivid and vivid, and the shape of the back flying dragon does not take the form of Chinese traditional Longwen, but the two pterptera in the West. The coin is the only foreign dragon used by Chinese official mint, and the only most imperial gold coin engraving technology in China. Exquisite works, their precious degree can not be small. At present, the amount of the coin is rare, and the quantity of the coin is very rare in the year. After the cultural revolution, it has broken four old, and it is now like a rare treasure, which is also the dream of the collectors.
