有道看天下 Word to world:用英語視角帶你看世界



  Places We Won't Walk

  Sunlight dances off the leaves,


  陽光錯落揮灑 樹葉起舞繽紛,


  Birds of red color the trees,


  鳥兒雀躍跳動 裝扮紅綠樹椏,


  Flowers filled with buzzin' bees,


  蜜蜂嗡嗡茗茗 好不熱鬧,


  In places we won't walk,


  可曾漫遊於此的我們 再不攜手踏入,


  Neon lights shine bold and bright,


  霓虹閃爍 試圖衝散驅逐這片黑暗,


  Buildings grow to daily heights,


  高樓大廈展立 日漸成林,


  People come alive at night,


  人聲起伏 夜也不絕,


  Children cry and laugh and play,


  兒童哭鬧 嬉戲玩鬧,


  Slowly hair will turn to gray,


  時光冉冉 鬢已成霜,


  We will smile to end each day,


  我們會否微笑默然 相視直到每日終時,


  Family look on in awe,


  家家戶戶 森森落落,


  Battles decorate the floor,


  幾處爭鳴 裝扮地表,


  Waves gently stroke the shore,


  小浪奏鳴 流淌悄然停息於海濱,



  兒童哭鬧 嬉戲玩鬧,


  時光冉冉 鬢已成霜,


  可曾漫遊於此的我們 再不攜手踏入。





  原作:Bruno Major《Places We Won't Walk》

  BGM:David Lanz - Leaves On The Seine

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