“環境保護”就是protect the environment嗎?

“保護環境”,“環境保護”我們脫口而出的英語是We should protect our environment,or Environment protection is important for all of us.

問題是“環境保護”你只會說英語 protect our environment,or Environment protection嗎?

把下面的英語反覆背誦,對於豐富你的“環保”英語表達幫助極大,又可以訓練英語口語:Well,when we say We should protect our environment,we can also say:

1. We should be environmentally friendly,or

2. We should be eco-friendly,or

3. We should be nature-friendly.

這樣你就不會開口閉口只說 protect our environment,or Environment protection了。

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