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Authorities in China have approved a drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, the first new medicine with the potential to treat the cognitive disorder in 17 years.


The seaweed-based drug, called Oligomannate, can be used for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's.


China approves seaweed-based Alzheimer's drug. It's the first new one in 17 years Via CNN

研發團隊在《細胞研究》(Cell Research)雜誌上發表論文,揭示了GV-971抑制阿爾茨海默症的作用機理和海藻有關。

In September, the team behind the new drug, led by Geng Meiyu at the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said they were inspired to look into seaweed due to the relatively low incidence of Alzheimer's among people who consume it regularly.


In a paper in the journal Cell Research, Geng's team described how a sugar contained within seaweed suppresses certain bacteria contained in the gut which can cause neural degeneration and inflammation of the brain, leading to Alzheimer's.


China approves seaweed-based Alzheimer's drug. It's the first new one in 17 years Via CNN


The company said Oligomannate will be available in China "very soon," and it is currently seeking approval to market it abroad, with plans to launch third-phase clinical trials in the US and Europe in early 2020.


China approves seaweed-based Alzheimer's drug. It's the first new one in 17 years Via CNN

目前全球約有5000萬阿爾茲海默患者,中國患者約佔20%。阿爾茨海默病是以1906年發現這種疾病的神經病理學家Alois Alzheimer的名字命名的。到目前爲止,世界範圍內製藥公司的研究進展緩慢。

In October, US pharmaceutical giant Biogen said it would pursue Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for an experimental treatment called aducanumab, after announcing in March it was canceling a large clinical trial for the drug.


Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Pfizer and Eli Lilly have all previously abandoned projects to develop a drug for Alzheimer's after unsatisfactory clinical data.


China approves seaweed-based Alzheimer's drug. It's the first new one in 17 years Via CNN


Ok American doctors stay looking into it. Remember some of our medicines they discovered first.


Thousands of attempts have resulted on this drug. Hopefully, it will cure the patient in an expected way.


Amazing! So what have we been doing? Of course big pharmaceutical wants to make every penny from the sick.


圖文:CNN,Twitter, 每日經濟新聞
