" 苦等 ,空等", 用英語怎麼說?

北上廣都是節奏很快的城市,這裏的人們行色匆匆,甚至不願意停下來.然而在過去,人們一般騎馬外出,如果馬走的時間太長,馬蹄就會發熱,騎馬人必須停下來讓馬休息,等馬蹄涼了再走.人也是一樣.走的時間長了腳後跟(heels)也會發熱,需要cool one's heels,停下來休息片刻.後來這個俚語被引申爲"苦等,空等,久候"的意思.

cool one's heels:苦等,久候

Why are you standing outside his office?

I have to cool my heels until he comes back.

You can make a time with him next time,thus you don't need to be waiting.

Yes, you are right.


You can't keep them cooling their heels each time.

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