

Growing up is that when you were sad in the past, oil and salt did not enter, and tea and rice were not thinking. Now you can go to the kitchen to give yourself a bowl of noodles while weeping.


People will grow up three times in their lifetime, the first time when they find themselves not the center of the world, the second time when they find that even if they try harder, after all, there are still things that are helpless, the third time they will know that there are things that are powerless, or When I will do my best.


Life often tells me to remember to get up on time every day, to stand, to be a multi-secret, right, but also to laugh, not to laugh like that, try to be as real as possible, if you can't laugh, remember to practice more. Slowly, we no longer laugh, only smile. Slowly, we don't talk about ideals, we talk about feelings.


If you want to live an ordinary life, you will encounter ordinary setbacks. If you want to live the best life, you will definitely encounter the strongest injury. This world is fair. If you want the best, you will definitely give you the most pain. If you can make it through, you are the winner.


The way I have always been good at self-protection is: once I notice the cold attitude of the other party, I will retreat and will not take the initiative to cover up this relationship.


There is an unspoken rule in the emotional world of adults. No initiative is the answer. No response is tantamount to refusal. No one in the world is too busy to reply to your message all day.
