
根據 ESPN 名記

Adrian Wojnarowski 的爆料




格林將會損失 12 萬美元左右

Draymond Green will be suspended with pay tonight,sources tell ESPN.

消息人士向 ESPN 透露,今晚德雷蒙德 - 格林會被禁賽停薪。

Suspended [ s ə 'spend ɪ d ] adj. 暫停的,緩期的(宣判),懸浮的


Green gathered a defensive rebound in the final moments of a tie game and dribbled the ball up the court before losing control without taking a shot. Durant had been slapping his hands, calling for the ball. The Clippers beat the Warriors 121-116 in overtime.

上場比賽最後時刻雙方打成平局,格林摘下後場籃板快速推進到前場,但在哨響之前也沒能完成一個投籃,而且球也失去控制了,儘管當時杜蘭特一直拍手要球。最後加時賽,快船以 121-116 戰勝勇士。

An angry late-game exchange on the bench between Durant and Green carried into Staples Center's visiting locker room, with several of Green's teammates challenging him on his decision-making on the final play of regulation, sources said.


Green was forceful in his defense of himself, which helped to escalate the volume and intensity within the room after the game.


Escalate [ ˈ esk ə le ɪ t ] vt. 使逐步升級 ; 使逐步上升 ; 乘自動梯上升




The Warriors hierarchy was unwilling to dismiss it as an ordinary NBA dust-up, and ultimately decided that Green's verbiage, especially toward Durant, rose to the level of significant discipline.

勇士隊管理層不願將其視爲普通的 NBA 的垃圾話對噴來定性格林的言論,尤其是當這些話針對杜蘭特,就需要上升到紀律的層面。

Hierarchy 英 [ ˈ ha ɪə r ɑ :ki ] n. 分層,層次 ; 等級制度 ; 統治集團 ; 天使的級別或等級

Discipline 英 [ ˈ d ɪ s ə pl ɪ n ] n. 紀律 ; 學科 ; 訓練 ; 符合行爲準則的行爲(或舉止)

"We just felt like this rose to the level of acting the way that we did," Warriors general manager Bob Myers said at a news conference "That's a decision that we have to make. I'm certainly involved in it, so is Steve [ Kerr ] . ... This was something that required the action that we decided upon."

勇士總經理鮑勃 - 邁爾斯在新聞發佈會上說:" 我們只是覺得這次的問題已經上升了一個層次,我們必須做這個決定。我參與了這次決定,史蒂夫(科爾)也一樣參與了,這樣的事情需要我們採取這樣的處理措施(指的是禁賽)。

Green's suspension, which will cost him $120,480, comes at the risk of further impacting a Warriors locker room in which he has been the dominant voice during the team's three championships in four seasons.

格林禁賽一場將會損失 120480 美元,格林更衣室的領袖地位在四年三冠中起到了重要作用,這次事件可能會進一步影響到勇士的更衣室氛圍。


12 萬美金,這是格林今晚被禁賽的經濟損失。然而對金州王朝帶來的影響,可能遠遠不止金錢這麼簡單。一場常規的不能再常規的比賽,本來沒有什麼大不了,但是兩位全明星球員格林和杜蘭特的爭吵,卻一夜之間讓看似固若金湯的勇士前途變得好似深受山火霧霾影響的灣區空氣一樣,撲朔迷離起來。

One of the inescapable questions already being asked about Green's suspension centered on Durant's looming free agency and how choosing to punish Green could escalate tensions between the star players.


Tensions n. 張力 ; (情緒上的) 緊張 ( tension 的名詞複數 ) ; 緊張的狀態 ; (作家或電影導演製造的) 緊張氣氛 ;

Green can be a free agent in 2020, but Durant's sensitivityis well-documented, and it is clear that he was unhappy with how events played out Monday night.

格林會在 2020 年成爲自由球員,杜蘭特性格上的敏感是衆所周知的,有一件事情是可以明確的,就是杜蘭特對於週一晚上這件事最終的結果很不滿意。

Sensitivity [ ˌ sens əˈ t ɪ v ə ti ] n. 敏感,感受性 ; 儀器等的 ) 靈敏性 ; [ 攝 ] 感光度

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