摘要:To appeal an arbitral award on question of law, the applicant has to show that the tribunal decision is “obviously wrong” or the tribunal decision to a question of general importance is “at least open to serious doubt”.要基于法律问题对仲裁裁决提出上诉,申请人必须证明仲裁庭的决定存在“明显错误”,或仲裁庭对一个具有普遍重要性的问题的决定“至少存在严重疑问”。在讨论原告的申请理据之前,法院强调必须谨慎处理因法律问题而对仲裁员的裁决所提出的上诉:“要注意尊重当事人通过仲裁解决争议的选择。

引 言

为了给读者提供更加专业与前沿的国际仲裁资讯,本智库致力于联合各类机构共同携手并进,并开设了“机构合作”栏目。之前,授权智库发布相关文章的机构有北京仲裁委员会、伦敦海事仲裁员协会(London Maritime Arbitrators Association,LMAA)、伦敦国际仲裁院(London Court of International Arbitration,LCIA)、伊朗知名律师事务所Ferdowsi Legal、英国顶尖的国际商事大律师事务所Quadrant Chambers。

近期,智库有幸又获得了英国希德律师行(Hill Dickinson)的支持,将陆续发布一系列该行律师撰写的仲裁文章。本文为该系列文章的第三篇,也是“香港2018年仲裁要案集锦”系列第二篇,来自该行香港办公室法务总监刘洋律师及其同事赖誉文律师。


Applications for leave to appeal on question of law

案件一:A等人诉房务委员会[2018]HKCFI 147

Disputes arose from the construction of provisions of the Special Conditions for Trade No. 10 of the Schedule of Rates (the “SOR”) published by the Housing Authority, which govern the measurement and valuation of Work Orders issued by Housing Authority for the replacement of existing window hinges for aluminium windows in housing estates, under 21 contracts made between the Housing Authority and the Plaintiffs. The Arbitrator ruled on 11 July 2017 that only three out of five rates in the SOR apply to the valuation of the relevant works.


The Plaintiffs made an application for leave to appeal against the Partial Award and Reasons for Award made by the arbitrator in 26 arbitrations under section 6(1)(b) of Schedule 2 to the Ordinance. The parties agreed that the Work Orders should be valued according to the SOR, but there is disagreement as to which specific rates specified in the SOR should be used, in valuing the Relevant Works. This appeal is on a question of law, i.e. whether on the proper construction of the SOR, the relevant works should be measured and valued under the 3 rates identified in the Award, or under all the five rates inclusive.


The Court summarised the applicable principles governing applications for leave to appeal against an arbitral award as that, leave to appeal is to be granted only if the Court is satisfied that, on the basis of the findings of fact in the award, the decision of the arbitral tribunal on the question is “obviously wrong”; or the question is one of general importance and the decision of the arbitral tribunal is “at least open to serious doubt”.


The Court agreed with the arbitrator’s reasoning and decision and held that the arbitrator’s decision was neither “obviously wrong” nor open to “serious doubt”. The Plaintiffs’ application was dismissed with costs to the Housing Authority.


案件二:前田建设工业株式会社等诉鲍尔香港有限公司[2018]HKCFI 2001

Maeda Corporation made an application for leave to appeal against the 2nd Interim Award of the Arbitrator pursuant to section 6(1)(b) of Schedule 2 to the Arbitration Ordinance, with four questions of law identified. The four questions relate to:


(i) idling deduction and the construction of paragraph 1(f) of Section C of the Sub-Contract Schedule of Prices;


(ii) whether there was compliance with the condition precedents to give notice under the Sub-Contract;


(iii) the founding levels and criteria under the Sub-Contract and whether there was variation under the Sub-Contract; and


(iv) the valuation of variation of works under the Sub-Contract.


Before going into the merits of the Plaintiffs’ application, the Court emphasised that the court dealing with an appeal against an arbitrator’s decision on a question of law had to approach the matter with care: “care to respect the choice of the parties to resolve this dispute by arbitration; care to respect the proper province of the tribunal; and care to have full regard of the views they felt able to reach, on matters of business sense or commercial sense that form an important dimension of the context within which a decision of law is to be reached on the true interpretation of the relevant contract”.


Leave to appeal was granted to the second and fourth question, adopting the test of “whether the Arbitrator’s decision is obviously wrong".


For the second question, there was non-compliance with the condition precedents to give notice under the Sub-Contract, i.e. the service of notice of intention to claim, and the written submission of the contractual basis of the claim. Further, a clause provides for the loss of right as a result of non-compliance with the notice requirement. In the absence of submission in writing, there cannot be a claim which can be made, or pursued in the arbitration.


For the fourth question, concerning valuation of variation of works under the Sub-Contract, the Arbitrator’s decision, of allowing costs not incurred by the Defendant in his valuation ofthe variation as “fair and reasonable”, was at least open to serious doubt.



To appeal an arbitral award on question of law, the applicant has to show that the tribunal decision is “obviously wrong” or the tribunal decision to a question of general importance is “at least open to serious doubt”.要基于法律问题对仲裁裁决提出上诉,申请人必须证明仲裁庭的决定存在“明显错误”,或仲裁庭对一个具有普遍重要性的问题的决定“至少存在严重疑问”。

It is not clear as to the meaning of these two phrases and there is little authority in Hong Kong to this issue. In Av Housing Authority, the Court applied the meaning of “obviously wrong” as discussed in the dicta of Pioneer Shipping Ltd v BTP Tioxide Ltd (TheNema) [1982] AC 724(approved by Court of Final Appeal in Swire Properties v Secretary for Justice[2003] 6 HKCFAR 236), which can be summarised into a decision is obviously wrong when the judge finds there is no possible argument that might convince him that the arbitrator might be right. In other words, the applicant has to show that the arbitrator was plainly wrong. As for question of general importance, the test will be to show there is at least “a strong prima facie case” that the tribunal’s decision is wrong. The Court in the same case stated that “the assessment of whether the decision of the tribunal is at least open to serious doubt can be subjective, and different judges can reasonably come to different views.” In contrast in Maeda, the same judge has not explained the meaning of both phrases and referred to the principles as statedin Pioneer Shipping Ltd.

这两点的含义并不够明确,而且香港在这方面也很少有与问题相关的法律依据。在A等人诉房屋委员会案中,法院适用了先锋船务有限公司诉BTP Tioxide有限公司案[1982] AC 724判决附带意见书(由香港终审法院在太古地产诉律政司长([2003]6HKCFAR236)案中批准)中所讨论的“明显错误”的含义,该含义可归纳为:当法官发现没有合理理由能使他相信仲裁员的裁决正确时,该裁决显然是错误的。换句话说,申请人必须证明仲裁员显然是错的。而对于具有普遍重要性的问题,检验标准是证明至少有“一个确凿的初步证据”能够表明仲裁庭的裁决是错误的。相同情况下,法官指出,“评判仲裁庭裁决是否至少存在着严重疑问的标准可能是主观的,不同的法官可以合理地得出不同的意见。”前田案则与之相反,同一名法官并没有对这两点的含义进行解释,而是引用了先锋船务有限公司案所确定的原则。

In the obiter dicta of Swire Properties, a reference to the UK Court of Appeal decision in Northern Pioneer was made in which it seems to suggest a more lenient threshold by “opening a door a little more widely to the granting of permission to appeal than the crack that was left by Lord Diplock [in The Nema]”.

太古地产案判决中的附带意见书提到了英国上诉法院在Northern Pioneer案中的判决,“给批准上诉些许更多的空间,而不是像Lord Diplock在BTP Tioxide有限公司案中采取的标准那样”,这似乎预示着批准上诉应有更宽松的门槛。

It remains unclear as to the meaning of these two thresholds and it is hoped that more authorities and guidelines will come to place in the near future.



刘洋律师现在是英国希德律师行(Hill Dickinson)香港办公室的法务总监,同时拥有英格兰及威尔士和中国执业资格。刘律师专注于一般商业与航运争议解决业务,其处理的国际仲裁案件涉及伦敦海事仲裁协会条款、香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则和UNCITRAL仲裁规则。

刘律师是上海海事大学经济管理学院客座教授及香港大学专业进修学院(HKU SPACE)的兼职讲师,负责教授由该院与英国普利茅斯大学合办的“海事运输与物流专业”相关课程。他是英国特许仲裁员协会会员、香港国际仲裁中心名单仲裁员、伦敦海事仲裁员协会支持会员和香港海事仲裁员协会会员。

另外,他是“Lloyd’s Shipping & Trade Law”写作的定期撰稿人,以及“Arbitration Law Monthly”的特约撰稿人。此外,刘律师还是河南省政协香港委员、天津市青联委员、香港特区政府海运港口局增补成员,以及香港与内地法律专业联合会副会长。







希德律师行(Hill Dickinson)于1810年在利物浦成立,主力提供与航运、保险、贸易、能源和投资等相关的法律服务。该行现已成长为一间拥有一千多名成员的国际律师行,为不同行业的客户提供全面的服务。




