
走近百大冠军第225期Paloma Parra(IFBB PRO):说我全天候都充满积极性,是一个不折不扣的谎言。To say the people who I am is motivated all of the time would be a BOLD face lie.

说我全天候都始终如一,是另一个不折不扣的谎言。To say the people who I am is consistent all of the time would be another BOLD face lie.

我并不总是有积极性,有些时候我不想去健身房!I' m NOT always motivated and there are days I don't want to look at a gym!

说实话,对于一些人来说,赛后季我会陷入一个低谷。Truth be told, the grey area in post season can be VERY difficult for some.

有些幸运儿从未体验过这个灰色区域。我没那么幸运。不管它有多特别…Some lucky souls never experience this grey area. I'm not so lucky. No matter how funky it gets..

我必须提醒自己在这个阶段不能掉以轻心,这和我在备赛时日常的有氧训练、锻炼以及饮食准备一样的重要。I have to remind myself that this phase is just as important as hitting my cardio on schedule, getting my workouts in and preparing my food in advance when I m prepping.This phase is important for my mental.

我的积极性?来自于支持我的人,在舞台上下为我鼓励和打气的人。My motivation?The people who stand with me. The people who encourage and push me on and off the stage.

我的积极性来自那些不遗余力帮助我的人。My motivation comes from the people who give their all even when they have nothing left to give.

这就是我积极性的由来。在这个世界里你被驱动着要更好,这意味着,你还不够好,That 's where my motivation comes from. The people who have the drive to do and be better in a world that says:you 're not good enough.

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