
走近百大冠军第226期Roise Mosier(IFBB BIKINI PRO):今天我怀抱极大的感激之情。自从我上次参加预备训练以来,有很多心理、身体和情绪上的考验。An immense feeling of gratitude hit me today.There have been a lot of mental, physical and emotional trials since I was last on the prep train.

那时候,你感到非常无力,很难打起精神起床,但是你一旦通过和战胜了这些考验,你将会比之前更加强大。At the time you feel so weak that it is hard to muster up the energy to get out of bed, but once you pull through and conquer those trials you will be stronger than ever.

从气质形体到比基尼的转变。很多人问比基尼是否更容易?这是一个完全错误的概念。Swipe for a transformation from figure to bikini. Many ask if bikini is easier? which is a total misconception.

任何有关竞争的运动,特别是在职业水平上的运动,都和容易扯不上关系。There is nothing about competing in anysport, especially at the professional level, that is easy.

不过,我要说的是,我的身体受伤并没有那么严重。我感觉我的身体趋于稳定,可以继续参加比赛,而且会更加频繁。However, I will say that it has been less harsh on my body injury wise.I feel it' s closer to where my body naturally wants to be and will allow for more longevity in the sport,and shows more often.

这个身材是我花了10年的时间塑造肌肉得来的。It has taken this ectomorph nearly 10 years just to build as much muscle as I have.

我的比基尼首次亮相带来的反馈是,让肩膀饱满以及臀部紧绷,没问题的!Feedbackfrom my pro debut in Bikini was to bring back some ofthe fullness in my shoulders and tightness in my glutes, not a problem!

期待我的下一次比赛。看看接下来的10周里和之前任何时候相比有多大的突破。有条不紊——她的法宝是耐心。Looking forward to my next show.It sure makes looking at how far is still left to go in the next 10 weeks much different than any time previous. Adopt the pace of nature- her secret is patience.

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