
走近百大冠军第227期Jane(ICN SPORTS MODEL PRO):备赛的时候,起初我的精神出现了动摇。老实说,如今仍在化解。Initially I struggled mentally this prep,and to be honest still do a little to this day.

我的人生很多次因为肌肉,遭受批评以及背负骂名。There have been times in my life where I have been criticised and called names for having muscle.

我被批不像女人以及令人作呕。但有趣的是,这些有意为之的侮辱,伤不到我。I 've been called a heshe and disgusting.But the funny thing is,these intended insults really don 't phase me.

我对我的肌肉感到无比的骄傲,它代表着我的力量以及我的辛劳。我觉得它很美丽。这才是最重要的。I am so god damn proud of my muscle.It represents my strength and all my hard work.I think it' s beautiful. And that' s all that matters really.

一旦我学会了爱我的身体,拥抱它的一切,其他人的诋毁就不攻自破。Once I learnt how to love my body and embrace everything about it, everyone else' s opinions disappeared.

比赛对我而言,总是意味着成长。Competing for me has always been about personal growth.

不断地把现在和过去的经验进行比较,并且对自己寄予很大的厚望。Constantly comparing it to my previous experience and placing a HUGE amount of expectation on myself.

我主要关注的不是我身体的外在,而是我能从自己那里学到什么?My main focus has never been how my body looks,but rather what can I learn about myself?

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