小鱼寄语:健美冠军Julia Marie表示恢复热量(REFEED)让她充满力量,她认为,对女性健美选手而言Refeed起到更加重要的作用。短期提高热量摄入,会让减脂期(持续受到热量缺口暴击的身体)觉得其实食物是充沛的,并没有闹饥荒。从而判定可以使用存储的自体脂肪供能,还不需要进入求生模式。另外她表示,恢复热量对于体内荷尔蒙平衡有着积极意义,特别是对瘦素(Leptin)和皮质醇(Cortisol)的积极影响,从而利于长线减脂。不过Julia 想提醒大家,恢复热量应该是持续努力的奖励,千万别沦为大吃大喝的贪吃婆…在进食前,你先回顾一下这周你的努力,认真判定自己有吃它的资格吗?

走近百大冠军第228期Julia Marie(IFBB PRO):恢复热量(REFEED)的力量。请忽视我起床时的披头散发,自从上周6晚上我消耗了欺骗餐以来,我瘦了6磅并且体重创造了新低。The power of a refeed ;Please ignore the bed head A Woke up 6lbs lighter & hit a new low weight this morning since Sunday (consumed my cheat meal Saturday night).

我甚至不在乎这些数字,我相信大部分减去的是水的重量。但这只是为了说明恢复热量战略是多么有益。Not that I even care about the number on the scale, and I' m sure most of that was water weight.. but it just goes to show how beneficial strategic refeeds can be.

但是,在减重的时候,你应该也要注意,一旦你到达一个确定的阈值(较低的卡路里水平)你的身体就不会像以前那样有效地工作,新陈代谢自然会减慢,以此来防止身体进入饥饿状态……But, while on a cut, you should also be aware of the fact that once you reach a certain threshold (the lower calorie levels) that your body isn't going to work as efficiently and the metabolism naturally slows down as a means to prevent the body from going into starvation mode...

这就是恢复热量这一美丽的概念开始发挥其作用的时刻!This is where the beautiful concept of refeeds come into play!

是的,一天或一顿欺骗餐(取决于你的身体需要)其实主要是在恢复你身体的热量,避免长期处于赤字状态。Yes, that one day or one cheat meal (depending on what your body needs) where you basically refeed your body,from having been in a deficit for so long.

现在让我们谈谈瘦素,一种调节饱足感和能量摄入的荷尔蒙,当身体脂肪水平下降以及碳水化合物的摄入量减少时就会减少。Now let's talk Leptin, a hormone that regulates satiety and energy intake, decreases when body fat levels go down and carbohydrate intake gets reduced.

结果是,饥饿感上升,饱足感减少。理想情况下,恢复热量的目标,应该是促进瘦素水平上升,帮助你的身体坚持一个特定的饮食,同时减少皮质醇。As a result, hunger levels rise and satiety is reduced. Ideally, the goal of a refeed should be to promote a rise in leptin levels to help your body adhere to a specific diet, while decreasing cortisol.

这不仅会重新启动新陈代谢,帮助你减去更多体脂,这也将有助于补充失去的糖原水平,提高你的锻炼效率以及获得更好的睡眠!Not only will this restart the metabolism and help you lose more, it will also help refill those lost glycogen levels, improving your workouts and getting a better sleep!

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