小鱼寄语:很多人控制不住自己火山爆发的情绪,而造成不可挽回的后果。当一个人内心的愤怒过其内心的承受力时,就会像火山爆发一样从你的内心深处喷涌而出,你的愤怒是否是来自你的孤独,不解,怨恨,迷惘,绝望,失败...?瑜伽达人Emily Luker认为:愤怒的原因是复杂的,应对愤怒情绪,需要你静下心来从长计议。就算你生气的理由很充分,结果真的是你想要的吗?在你想发脾气的时候,请多斟酌一下,有没有更好的办法?当然,也有很多人不同意她的缓兵之计——因为这样你迟早会变成“受气包”。

一句话瑜伽,第314期Emily Luker:你如何以积极的方式处理愤怒这样消极的情绪?How do you deal with negative emotions such as anger in a positive way?

我以前从来没有想过这个。当谈到愤怒时,我想有两个回答:通过从长计议来智取,以及给自己一些时间。I'd never really thought about this one before.When it comes to anger I suppose there are two answers:pick my battles, and take some time to myself.

我个人属于被动出击,我发现,如果我尝试有意识地决定哪种情况更值得出击,这会有所帮助。I personally am very reactive and I've found it helps if I try to consciously decide what sort of situation is worth putting any energy toward.

假如是的,我喜欢在处理它之前花一分钟来斟酌,否则我觉得我不能以有效的方式处理它。If it's a yes, I like to take a minute to process it before handling it or else I don't feel like I can do it in a productive way.

草木皆兵,因为我们每个人都“在劫难逃”。If it's anything else,because we all get in those funks every once in a while.

我尽量使自己感到舒服——我家里总是备有发膜、面膜、椰子油等。I make myself as comfortable as possible - hair masks,face masks,coconut oil,etc are always well stocked in my house.

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