
一句话瑜伽,第315期Rif:一句忠告的话:别人在生活里做些什么,用不着你操心。a word of advice don't worry about what others are doing in their life.

这是他们的生活,而不是你的——所以放手,过好你自己的生活。it is theirs not yours - so let go and live your life how YOU would want to.

我知道,我们有一种感觉或者必要,把自己的想法强加给别人。I know we have a feeling or a need to sometimes chime in with our opinion on someone else's life.

但你真的希望,有人一遍又一遍地也对你说这些吗?当你只想过好自己的生活的时候,这样做会让你开心吗?But really do you want someone doing that to you over and over?When your just trying to live life how it makes you happy?

换位思考可以让我们包容,让我们看清自己的行为。reversing the situation can often open us up and allow us to see what our actions are doing.

对于一些人来说,这行不通,他们仍然会指手画脚。但我认为大多人会觉悟——假如换一个角度来看问题,我们便可以学会放手。for some this won't work and they still will chime in,but I think most of us if we stop-look at it from another point of view, we can learn to let go.

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