摘要:►All public events will be banned, cinemas, theatres, gyms, discos and pubs closed, and funerals and weddings cancelled.禁止所有公共活動,電影院、劇院、健身房、迪廳及酒吧全部關閉,婚禮、葬禮全部取消。意大利監獄暴動,約50名囚犯越獄。


nationwide lockdown


More than 60 million people in Italy have been placed under lockdown after the government extended emergency measures across the entire country in an attempt to stop the spread of the coronavirus.


截至當地時間3月9日晚,意大利境內共有9172例新冠病毒確診病例,其中,已有463人死亡。意大利已超過韓國成爲中國以外疫情最嚴重的國家。Italy, with 9,172 cases by Monday, surpassed South Korea over the weekend to become the country with the second-largest outbreak after China.

孔特將此次管控措施稱爲“我待在家(I stay at home)”,具體措施包括:

►People are forbidden to gather in public.


►All public events will be banned, cinemas, theatres, gyms, discos and pubs closed, and funerals and weddings cancelled.禁止所有公共活動,電影院、劇院、健身房、迪廳及酒吧全部關閉,婚禮、葬禮全部取消。

►All sporting events - including football matches - are suspended nationwide. Schools and universities will remain closed until April 3.全國範圍內暫停所有體育活動,包括足球賽事。各類學校在4月3日之前保持關閉。

►Those who have to leave their region or their cities out of serious necessity can do so only if they have self-certification stating that they must cross the borders for compelling business reasons, health reasons, or because they have to return home.因緊迫的工作需要、健康需要或者家庭需要而離開當前城市或地區的,需提供相應的證明後才能出行。

►There are controls at train stations to check the temperatures of passengers. Cruise ships are also forbidden to dock at various ports.火車站設立檢查站檢測乘客體溫。禁止遊輪停靠境內港口。

►People may face fines and up to three months in jail for breaking quarantine rules.違反疫情防控規定者或面臨罰款以及最高3個月的監禁。



At least 50 inmates escaped from an Italian prison between Sunday and Monday as tension over sweeping coronavirus restrictions triggered riots in 27 jails across the country.

inmate ['ɪnmeɪt] 囚犯;(精神病院裏的)病人

意大利米蘭聖維託萊監獄(San Vittore Prison)囚犯爬上屋頂示威。圖源:路透社



Inmates, many angered by restrictions on family visits, went on the rampage and started fires from Sunday into Monday, authorities said.

go on the rampage:暴跳如雷;瘋狂破壞

意大利羅馬一所監獄冒出濃煙 圖源:CNN


該監獄有6名囚犯死亡,其中有人死於精神藥物服用過量(an overdose),有人因吸入有毒煙霧死亡(inhalation of toxic smoke)。

封鎖 be under lockdown

遠程辦公 work from home/telecommute

居家隔離 home quarantine

公共衛生 public health

疫情防控國際合作 international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control

China Daily熱詞訓練營上線啦!
