摘要:Also on Wednesday, 33 new asymptomatic cases, including two from abroad, were reported on the mainland. No cases were re-categorized as confirmed cases, and 28 people, six of whom were from abroad, were discharged from medical observation.。截至4月29日24時,據31個省(自治區、直轄市)和新疆生產建設兵團報告,現有確診病例619例(其中重症病例41例),累計治癒出院病例77610例,累計死亡病例4633例,累計報告確診病例82862例,現有疑似病例10例。


Chinese health authority said Thursday that it received reports of four new confirmed COVID-19 cases on the Chinese mainland Wednesday, all of which were imported cases.

Three suspected cases were reported in Shanghai, all of which were also imported.

No deaths were reported Wednesday on the mainland, according to the commission.


Altogether 32 patients were discharged from hospitals after recovery Wednesday, while the number of severe cases dropped by nine to 41.


By Wednesday, the mainland had reported a total of 1,664 imported cases. Of the cases, 1,139 had been discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 525 were being treated with 13 in severe conditions. No deaths from the imported cases had been reported.


As of Wednesday, the overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 82,862, including 619 patients who were still being treated and 77,610 people who had been discharged after recovery.

Altogether 4,633 people had died of the disease.

The commission said that 10 people, including seven from abroad, were still suspected of being infected with the virus.

According to the commission, 8,032 close contacts were still under medical observation after 708 people were discharged from medical observation on Wednesday.


No new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported in central China's Hubei province Wednesday.

By Wednesday, there were no existing confirmed COVID-19 cases in the province.


Also on Wednesday, 33 new asymptomatic cases, including two from abroad, were reported on the mainland. No cases were re-categorized as confirmed cases, and 28 people, six of whom were from abroad, were discharged from medical observation.

The commission said 998 asymptomatic cases, including 127 from abroad, were still under medical observation.


By Wednesday, 1,037 confirmed cases including four deaths had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), 45 confirmed cases in the Macao SAR, and 429 in Taiwan including six deaths.

A total of 830 patients in Hong Kong, 34 in Macao and 311 in Taiwan had been discharged from hospitals after recovery.

來源:國家衛健委 ***


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