
No new domestically transmitted cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were reported on the Chinese mainland for the third day in a row on Friday, the Chinese health authority said Saturday.

The National Health Commission received reports of 41 new confirmed COVID-19 cases on the Chinese mainland on Friday, all of which were imported.



A total of 590 patients of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were discharged from hospital Friday on the Chinese mainland.

Altogether 71,740 patients had been discharged from hospital after recovery by the end of Friday, the commission said in its daily report Saturday.

As of Friday, a total of 81,008 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 had been reported on the mainland, and 3,255 people had died of the disease.


No new domestically transmitted cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were reported on the Chinese mainland for the third day in a row on Friday.


The Chinese mainland reported 41 newly imported cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Friday, bringing the total number of imported cases to 269, according to the National Health Commission.

Of the 41 newly imported cases, 14 were reported in Beijing, nine in Shanghai, seven in Guandong, four in Fujian, two in Zhejiang, Shandong and Shaanxi respectively, and one in Sichuan, according to the commission.


By the end of Friday, 256 confirmed cases including four deaths had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), 17 confirmed cases in the Macao SAR, and 135 in Taiwan including two deaths.

A total of 98 patients in Hong Kong, 10 in Macao and 28 in Taiwan had been discharged from the hospital after recovery

來源:國家衛生健康委員會官方網站 ***


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