
Chinese health authority said Friday that it received reports of six new confirmed COVID-19 cases on the mainland Thursday, of which two were imported.

The other four new cases were domestically transmitted, the National Health Commission said in a daily report, noting that three cases were reported in Heilongjiang province and one in Guangdong province.

No death was reported Thursday on the mainland. Two new suspected cases, all imported ones, were also reported.


A total of 50 patients of COVID-19 were discharged from hospitals Thursday on the Chinese mainland.


The Chinese mainland reported two new imported cases of COVID-19 Thursday, bringing the total number of imported cases to 1,618.

Two new suspected cases from abroad were reported in Shanghai on Thursday, the commission said in its daily report, adding that the number of existing suspected cases from abroad was 17.

Of the total imported cases, 849 had been discharged from hospitals after recovery, and 769 were being treated in hospitals with 32 in severe conditions, the commission said.

No deaths had been reported from the imported cases.


The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 82,804 by Thursday, including 915 patients who were still being treated and 77,257 people who had been discharged after recovery, the commission said.

Altogether 4,632 people had died of the disease, it said.

The commission said that 20 people, including 17 from abroad, were still suspected of being infected with the virus.

It added that 8,362 close contacts were still under medical observation. On Thursday, 607 people were discharged from medical observation.


No new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported in central China's Hubei province Thursday.

On Thursday, the province reported no new deaths from COVID-19.

The provincial health commission said 22 COVID-19 patients were discharged from hospital after recovery on Thursday, all of whom were in the provincial capital of Wuhan.


Also on Thursday, 34 new asymptomatic cases, including one from abroad, were reported on the mainland. Three domestic asymptomatic cases were re-categorized as confirmed cases, and 36 people, 10 of whom were from abroad, were discharged from medical observation, according to the commission.

The commission said 979 suspected asymptomatic cases, including 157 from abroad, were still under medical observation.


By Thursday, 1,035 confirmed cases including four deaths had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), 45 confirmed cases in the Macao SAR, and 427 in Taiwan including six deaths.

A total of 699 patients in Hong Kong, 27 in Macao and 253 in Taiwan had been discharged from hospitals after recovery.

來源:國家衛生健康委員會官方網站 ***


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